Minotaur warrior: increase accuracy or leave it at 6 ?

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Minotaur warrior: increase accuracy or leave it at 6 ?

Post by SenSx »


I'm going to make a Minotor warrior wih battle axe.
I know they are not the best because of low accuracy, but that is for role play reasons.
Should I raise they accuracy a bit or leave at 6 anyway to max out strengh and vitality as much as I can ?

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Re: Minotaur warrior: increase accuracy or leave it at 6 ?

Post by Dr.Disaster »

Minotaurs start out with Strength 15, by far the highest value of all races. As an Axe user he will gain more Strength from his weapon skill over time so there is no real need to increase this stat during creation.

Minotaurs start out with Dexterity 6, by far the lowest value of all races. Due to this his Accuracy is pretty bad at -4 which will cause him to miss a lot. If you want your Mino to hit stuff early on and not just chop at musty dungeon air make sure your Accuracy is at least 0.
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