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Re: RE: I've had it with this game

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:26 am
by petri
raksi8 wrote:What has gotten me kind of torqued off is that there are so many timing puzzles in this game. It basically means that you have to have a certain kind of manual dexterity to solve the game.

I like RPG's but frankly the excess (IMHO) of timing puzzles, go this way and that way while figuring out the timing, is making this game seem more like an arcade game. Which is why I find the interface too clunky. I'm taking a break for a while and going back to a more forgiving game. It's not the "think it out" part as much as "while you are thinking it out, you have to make notes while executing careful keystrokes in rapid succession." And in several cases so far (I'm just starting level 5), you have to redo the timing puzzles if you want to keep using the same path.
Thanks for the feedback!

We tried to have a balanced mix of puzzles requiring thought and dexterity. I think if there would have been less timing puzzles then we would have comments about there being too many thinking puzzles. More variety is good :)

But yeah, some of the timing puzzles could have been a bit easier, or there could have been a setting for game speed.

Re: RE: I've had it with this game

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:15 pm
by Komag
I thoroughly enjoyed the timing puzzles, and I loved the ingenuity of how the solution always left just the right amount of time to make it doable, very impressive and fun to find the solutions. So I'm someone who would welcome even more of them ;)

EDIT - and I definitely would NOT want them made easier on easier settings, because sometimes I want to play on easy so that the monster fighting is easier, but I still want full speed difficulty on the puzzles!

Re: RE: I've had it with this game

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:16 pm
by LiamKerrington
Hi there,

I think this (the number of timed puzzles) really is a matter of opinion. And I, for example, did not even think or got the impression that there were "too many" timed puzzles. Truth is: There are not so many ... How about just counting them ... ? Well, admitted - it's been a while when I played the game the last time. But checking my maps I figure that there are less timed puzzles then there are dungeon floors; and I only recollect two or maybe three timed puzzles being really tricky, tight, challenging or something ...

The only one thing I would really agree with is that maybe there 'could' have been a means to modify the 'delay' in the puzzles - like with the difficulty setting of the game right at the beginning of a new game-session; but I would not want to go as far as to say it 'should' have been implemented, only that it 'would have made' the puzzles a bit easier to pass ... After all, on my second walkthrough, I was able to pass 'em all. So the game is alright as it is at the moment, and there is no dire need for having such a setting.

On the forum people have discussed this issue a lot that some of the timed puzzles are way too challenging; and many times people commented that changing the graphical settings of the game or even upgrading the 'puter would and did help. No clue - on my first playthrough I did change the setting and had the impression that the challenging puzzles were past more easily; but on my second playthrough I did not change anything and played with all the graphics my 'puter was able to support; so basically my impressions during my first playthrough stand corrected.

Just my 2c.
All the best!

Re: RE: I've had it with this game

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:25 pm
by Darklord
petri wrote: But yeah, some of the timing puzzles could have been a bit easier, or there could have been a setting for game speed.
I think if you were to add a setting to any sequels you make, which adjusted the timings for these puzzles it would make a lot of people happy. :)


Re: RE: I've had it with this game

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:53 pm
by mclang
If I remember correctly, in System Shock you could choose difficulty level for several aspects of the game. Like combat, puzzles, cyberspace, etc.

So there could easily be several sliders, one for overall difficulty, one for combat, one for timing based puzzles... There could be even possibility to choose food consumption level independent from overall difficulty.

How about that?