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Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:57 pm
by petri
Komag wrote:oh no, flus are no fun to go through! hope you get better soon!
Thanks! Trying to fight back by eating lots of ginger.

Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:06 pm
by Darklord
Awesomeness! I'm in holiday in Spain at the mo, but look forward to trying it when I get back!

Get well soon Petri!


Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:12 pm
by CremionisD
Some more feedback/questions..

I can see that it is possible to spawn new items through scripting; Is it possible to (selectively) destroy them? (how?)

It would be wonderful, if the script function being called would get the triggering entity as parameter to the script. This would allow a single function to respond to several triggers. Perhaps this is already possible somehow?

It would also be useful to be able to trigger scripts when monster(s) are killed and/or when hit etc.

Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:24 pm
by antti
CremionisD wrote:I can see that it is possible to spawn new items through scripting; Is it possible to (selectively) destroy them? (how?)
I think selectively destroying entities is on Petri's todo list. Some workarounds are possible (although cumbersome) like teleporting a monster or an item to a remote corner in the map somewhere.
CremionisD wrote:It would also be useful to be able to trigger scripts when monster(s) are killed and/or when hit etc.
You can trigger scripts using onDie and onDamage etc. hooks on the monster assets. Take a look at the following guides for more information:

Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:32 pm
by shayabu
Some suggestions, ideas and wishes for the editor:

1) A debug key for teleporting the party to a map square where the mouse is hovering over would be handy.

2) A togglable Invincibilty mode for the party in the editor would be nice.

2) An clickable and searchable object browser would be VERY nice, it could be put next to the asset tab, grouped by dungeon level.

3) Console log messages don't disappear in the preview window, I suggest a log messages tab next to the inspector.

4) Monster AI and stats should be more customizable / editable in the editor (walk path, walk area, life, mana, offense, defense, name, "skin").

5) assets can be stacked indefinitely on one square, this is particularily annoying with altars and all other assets which have popup for asset type (Altar_1, ... Altar_n). The latter should be removed have a dropdown box in the Inspector along with a preview of the skin.

Some questions:
1) Are custom map sizes possible, especially bigger ones than the current map size?

I'm really excited to build some neat dungeons comfortabley.

Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:34 pm
by CremionisD
antti wrote: You can trigger scripts using onDie and onDamage etc. hooks on the monster assets. Take a look at the following guides for more information:
Okay, the hooks would seem to do what I'm after. Thanks for the quick answer and the Links, Antti!

Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:39 pm
by Komag
shayabu wrote: 1) A debug key for teleporting the party to a map square where the mouse is hovering over would be handy.
You can almost do this now, just hover the mouse where you want, press Y, then in Preview click Stop then Play.

Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:49 pm
by Lmaoboat
I had no idea where to begin at first, but I think I'm getting the hang of it. I'm working on make a maze with a room of pits where the trap doors only close as you step on to them.

Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:55 pm
by antti
shayabu wrote:1) A debug key for teleporting the party to a map square where the mouse is hovering over would be handy.
Have you tried the Y-shortcut? It moves the party starting location to where your mouse is.
shayabu wrote:2) A togglable Invincibilty mode for the party in the editor would be nice.
You can press H to heal the party. Does this suffice?
shayabu wrote:2) An clickable and searchable object browser would be VERY nice, it could be put next to the asset tab, grouped by dungeon level.
Yeah, it would be sweet indeed. One trick you can do already, though, is to open the mod's dungeon.lua in a text editor and search for things there.
shayabu wrote:3) Console log messages don't disappear in the preview window, I suggest a log messages tab next to the inspector.
Yup, the messages can easily get annoying and they can often kinda be in your way. You can type "clear" to clean up the console but you don't want to be doing that constantly either. Maybe we'll have to think about this...
shayabu wrote:4) Monster AI and stats should be more customizable / editable in the editor (walk path, walk area, life, mana, offense, defense, name, "skin").
Customizing the asset definitions is, unfortunately, a little out of the scope of the graphical editor itself. But if you're not afraid of scripting, creating your own variants of existing assets is not actually that difficult. Take a look at this guide for more info:

The walk areas, by the way, can be controlled in the editor by placing blockers.
shayabu wrote:1) Are custom map sizes possible, especially bigger ones than the current map size?
I'm afraid the map size is so ingrained into the guts of the game code that changing it could be tough. Petri knows more than me about this though and he can comment on this if I'm wrong.

Thanks for the feedback and the suggestions! 8-)

Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:58 pm
by Lmaoboat
Is there or will there be any way to select all the assets on the map out of the list instead of clicking on each on in the map?