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Re: Any Help For Arachnophobes?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:11 pm
by Disasterrific
But they're not spiders, they're some kind of stingerless scorpion.

Re: Any Help For Arachnophobes?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:46 pm
by Emualynk
Curunir wrote:I am deeply sorry that your world is a shitty place.

If you try to:
a) man the $@#% up and overcome your fears through therapy or otherwise
b) not buy games which have spiders in all their trailers

MAYBE THEN, you will be in less pain.
I don't see why you need to be so aggressive about this, the one who looks like he has a problem here is you.
On the issue of manning the fuck up, I don't see how this is even relevant, you don't know me, you don't know the situation I've been through, if it was as simple as manning the fuck up, believe me I would have done it.
The reason I buy games is because the gameplay mechanics look fun and the game look fun to play. I don't play games so I can be reminded how fucking shitty having arachnophobia is. I don't blame the devs for it and if they don't integrate an option to turn the spiders into something else I'm pretty sure someone will mod it once the sdk is available. I don't see however how this is such a big problem for you since it won't affect you and you'll still be able to play the game with spiders.
It's not a matter of making the game less scary (spiders don't make it more scary to play, they just make it unplayable for me), I don't mind being scared (but well according to you I need to man the fuck up, so go figure), I'm pretty sure some other kind of creature can be figured out to replace them (like giant scorpion for instance). Also if you look at why the spiders are in the game, you'll see that they can be broken down to a series of stats and easily replaced by some other creatures with the same stats (like a giant scorpion again). They don't have any particular ability (like walking on the walls or the ceilings) that makes them essential to be in spider form.

And honestly, do you really have to belittle other people to feel good about yourself? (That's a rethorical question, don't answer it.)

Re: Any Help For Arachnophobes?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:31 pm
by Curunir
Good thing this is an internet forum and not America, where you'd be suing me for being an intolerant meanie right about now.

I post not to belittle others, but to ask a simple question:
Why would you buy a game that you know full well has spiders in it, then complain about it and request them modded out on release day?

Maybe buy Manhunt and complain all the violence upsets you? :L

Re: Any Help For Arachnophobes?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:32 pm
by Emualynk
Curunir wrote:Good thing this is an internet forum and not America, where you'd be suing me for being an intolerant meanie right about now.

I post not to belittle others, but to ask a simple question:
Why would you buy a game that you know full well has spiders in it, then complain about it and request them modded out on release day?

Maybe buy Manhunt and complain all the violence upsets you? :L
Where did you see me complain about it or request anything again?

Re: Any Help For Arachnophobes?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:38 pm
by Kalamino
Emu, you are being trolled. People like Curunir find it amusing to simply post and fuck with people. There is no reason for anybody to be so aggressive like this against those with arachnophobia :p wtb /ignore feature

Anyways, I agree with what you've posted. I've got Arachnophobia. I kill spiders all the time, I have no problem doing it. But to look at them is revolting. It's very hard to describe, and it's not something you "man up" over. That said, I've gotten down to level 6 of Grimrock by mainly focusing on the bottom right corner of the screen when spiders do come, it helps a lot to just not look at them. Doing this on hard mode vs. multiple spiders is mentally exhausting and not fun. (Other than spiders being in the game I'd score it at a 10/10)

I would be ecstatic if it was possible to either reskin spiders into something else (SpiderBears like Skyrim) or even just to have the option of a much lower quality texture of the spider (spiders in games with poor graphics quality don't bother me).

Re: Any Help For Arachnophobes?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:44 pm
by Jack Dandy
Not really a part of this argument, Kala- but posting contradictory opinions is not trolling, even if it's posted in a rather.. brash way. :P

Re: Any Help For Arachnophobes?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:51 pm
by Mr.Monopoly
The first time i saw a Spider in this game i almost shit myself! haha! i had to take a little break after that my heart was beating so fast! but not that big of a deal :D

Re: Any Help For Arachnophobes?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:55 pm
by Kalamino
Lol, yeah. If I had one word of praise on spiders it's that I don't think I've seen a creepier looking spider in a game anywhere. They were definately working towards the creepy / scary factor there. ;)

@Jack, I call him troll because I don't think he has any interest in the subject matter at hand. I think he's just looking to get a rise out of somebody, which fits the definition of internet troll by my book.

Re: Any Help For Arachnophobes?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:58 pm
by Curunir
You misunderstand my motives. I don't do this to rile people up, I do it because I'm a little fed up with the ump-teenth topic about it and with the fact that when/if full mod tools come out, spiders will be gone. But I don't think this should in any way be a priority for the devs over patches, map editor, etc etc.

So sorry if it seemed I was trolling, I was just voicing my annoyance.

Re: Any Help For Arachnophobes?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:01 pm
by Emualynk
Curunir wrote:But I don't think this should in any way be a priority for the devs over patches, map editor, etc etc.
And I completely agree with that.
Now I'd take the version of a spider's remplacement of the devs (if such was to exist) over a mod anytime but I'm fine with it not being the case.