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Re: Modding original game

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:27 pm
minmay wrote:You can load the original dungeon in the editor by changing the dungeonFolder in a .dungeon_editor file to "assets/dungeons/grimrock2".

With an init.lua and dungeon.lua you can make actual modifications and export them, but I don't know if we are allowed to distribute said init.lua and dungeon.lua, so I won't upload them.
Sorry, I don't get it :-/

>> by changing the dungeonFolder in a .dungeon_editor file to "assets/dungeons/grimrock2".

- Where is this dungeonFolder? I only have the folder "Dungeons"
- When I change a folder name to .dungeon_editor at the end I can't open it in the editor, it will just switch into that folder (standard windows behavior)
- There is no path assets/dungeons/grimrock2 in my installation. Do I need to create that and what files do I need to put in there?

Kind regards,

Re: Modding original game

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 5:25 am
by Soaponarope
Open the .dungeon editor file with notepad

Re: Modding original game

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:50 am
Ahh, thank you!
I understood that sentence completely wrong, now it's working. :)

Re: Modding original game

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 8:59 pm
by MrChoke
I can't believe I missed this thread. I just now brought up the original game in the editor. Wow, that is huge! Great find Minmay.

One clarification on this though, we cannot save the project right?. At least I can't. But you said we can export it though right? I didn't try export yet. It is just cool enough be able to see the design. Heck it even has the LUA code. Not sure if it has all of it but some for sure.

Re: Modding original game

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 1:16 am
by Soaponarope
You can copy it and save it as a new project and export it. Now whether or not people are allowed to submit modded original games as a "master quest" is up to AH. It's different since Komag made his from scratch. :)

Re: Modding original game

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 3:23 am
by MrChoke
I guess I am idiot in that it is not working for me. I can open the original game and levels in the editor but when I try to save the project it wants to save "dungeon.lua" in a folder where "assets/dungeon/grimrock2" is appended to the path. Even when I try to fake it out and put a dungeon.lua in that path, it still doesn't work.

Re: Modding original game

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 4:36 am
by Soaponarope
A new project, as the one you opened it in isn't using dungeon.lua anymore.

You'll need to have two editors open so you can copy the levels over to a new dungeon. If you have the steam only version I'm not sure if you can do this as steam won't run a game twice.

Re: Modding original game

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 4:02 pm
by MrChoke
Soaponarope wrote:A new project, as the one you opened it in isn't using dungeon.lua anymore.

You'll need to have two editors open so you can copy the levels over to a new dungeon. If you have the steam only version I'm not sure if you can do this as steam won't run a game twice.
Yes, I do have Steam only though I do have access to two Steam accounts with Grimrock. Another question though is copying dungeons over. The editor doesn't have good copy functionality. I know we can copy parts or even all of Dungeon.lua (I have done that myself to duplicate levels) but how can I copy from the original game Dungeon.lua when we don't have it? Still confused.....

Re: Modding original game

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 4:50 pm
by Soaponarope
Sorry, reading over that I was unclear. I mean literally copy the assets over in the editor itself. Select all, copy, open new project, paste. As far as I know you can't copy the tiles but that is easy to fill in manually since your looking at it; the large majority of the dungeon.lua is now in your own. Be sure to check for unique ids as you mod it since the scripts will still reference those.

Re: Modding original game

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 5:05 pm
by MrChoke
Soaponarope wrote:Sorry, reading over that I was unclear. I mean literally copy the assets over in the editor itself. Select all, copy, open new project, paste. As far as I know you can't copy the tiles but that is easy to fill in manually since your looking at it; the large majority of the dungeon.lua is now in your own. Be sure to check for unique ids as you mod it since the scripts will still reference those.
I got it now, it works. It generated the Dungeon.lua. Thanks!