Has anyone been playing LoG on an iPad Pro?

Talk about anything related to the iOS version of Legend of Grimrock 1.
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Has anyone been playing LoG on an iPad Pro?

Post by AlaskaJaxx »

I've owned each iPad over the years, as we own & operate a company ...each year relying more on iPads than MacBook Pros, which replaced 'mobile iMacs' about ½ dozen years ago (always been a 'built in' storage mandate). The iPad Air 2 has finally replaced all MBPs in the field for 14 months now and we've yet to have a failure (5 pairs, each employee takes a pair for each event, a 15" rMBP as well for lighting a visual control, an option that'll also work the auditory end if a failure happened)
They're battle proof, inexpensive and 'always connected' with a higher resilience to 'spilled drinks', etc
As well as the A2s have worked, I'm exstatic about the iPad pro and it replacing the 'pair' of Airs with a single device (A2 on hand as a redundant measure)

Sorry, not sure why an explanation for owning a Promwas necessary BUT @ 44 with ten year old son, my excitement in gaming has been reinvigorated. Ultima I II & III ...maybe IV, not sure my IIe handled it, a friend's 2600, and the local arcade were my 'gaming options' in the 80s lol. Having a young son is Awesome, and today's gaming platforms, mind blowing (I'm ambidextrous; OS X and Windows, Android & iOS, as well, XBox/PS. I'd have it no other way as I'd be missing something... And with today's pricing on the mobile systems, gaming has become incredibly affordable. Just wait a year before buying AAA Titles on consoles lol!)

As well, on mobile 'apps' like this one, LoG pop up now and again ...melting, not just blowing your mind! Excellent job to the developers, it's a dream play on Air 2, Air 1, Mini 2 & 4. Just considering starting a game on the Pro ...downloading it actually first off as its large ...but if the game play looks half as good as the screen shots on the iPP, I'm sure I'll be VERY Happy indeed!

Thanks again, excellent job.

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Re: Has anyone been playing LoG on an iPad Pro?

Post by Seax »


I've just bought an iPad Pro 9.7 and I'm running LOG without any issue so far, really enjoying the game, would love to see LOG2 come along as I've replaced my laptop with this and it is a lot of fun so far.


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