This series of documents and guides is intended for anyone who wishes to create their own custom dungeons and mods for Legend of Grimrock 2. Grimrock 1 modding guide is also available. If you wish to just play mods, you can simply subscribe to them in Steam Workshop or download them to your “Documents\Almost Human\Legend of Grimrock\Dungeons” -folder from Grimrock Nexus or elsewhere.
Legend of Grimrock 2 comes with a built in dungeon editor and the getting started -guides describe all you need to know if you want to create your own dungeons, complete with monsters, items, puzzles and traps. If you are a little bit more adventurous and if you want to create even more extensive modifications, we have guides for you that will help you get started with scripting in the editor and creating new assets but, due to the breadth of these subjects, we can only scratch the surface here.
The modding and asset usage terms detail what you are and are not allowed to do with mods, custom dungeons and custom assets. You should be familiar with the usage terms before sharing any content you have created. We also cover how you can use and modify the original Legend of Grimrock assets.
Currently the guides are still a work-in-progress so remember to check back regularly for new stuff!
Getting Started
Dungeon Editor Basics
Outdoor environments and Water
Inspector and Connectors
Levels and Exporting
Introduction to Scripting
How to Script a Combination Lock
Save Games and Variables
Scripting reference
Custom Assets
Model and Animation File Formats
How to add cinematics
Predefined Assets
Download Asset Pack
Video Tutorials
Skuggasveinn’s Editor Tutorials
Modding & Asset Usage Terms
Grimrock 2 Mod Creation Forum
The Lua Programming Language Main Page
Lua 5.1 Reference Manual