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[2 minor maybe-bugs] Can cast spells in bear form.

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 10:31 am
by karadoc
If the spell casting panel is open when a character drinks a potion of bear form, the panel stays open after transforming - allowing the character to still cast spells. Since the casting panel can't be opened while in bear from, I assume bears aren't meant to be able to cast spells in this way.

(I've recently been exploiting this bug by using the bear form potion as a kind of super mana potion. When my wizard is entirely out of mana, I drink the bear form potion to completely replenish their mana and then continue casting. The down side is that if they don't spend all their mana while in bear form then it will continue to drain away until it runs out, so it isn't a horrible imbalance, but I assume it is unintended.)


Also, here's second unrelated (possible) bug:
The Tetris-shapes puzzle in the sewers causes messages to be printed to the console. When I climb onto one of the tetris shapes, the console displays either "Wrong" or "Correct" corresponding to the puzzle.

I assume that those messages were put in for debugging, and they should probably be turned off. I appreciate that activating the console is non-standard, and so these messages might not considered bugs; but I'd still lean towards saying that the messages shouldn't be there. I'd like to be able to play normally with the console enabled, without seeing puzzle spoilers! :)

Re: [2 minor maybe-bugs] Can cast spells in bear form.

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 11:55 am
by petri
Many thanks for the bug reports!