Which did you prefer, Grimrock 1 or 2?

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Which did you prefer, Grimrock 1 or 2?

Post by LiveInABox »

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Re: Which did you prefer, Grimrock 1 or 2?

Post by Dhomochevsky »

First was better for me, underground atmosphere was very oppressive, you know exit is above but you only can go down and down... i never had this sensation on second game. Toorum notes, earthquakes, the voice when you dreams, goromorgs... and gold keys are more useful :lol: :lol:
I don't like few puzzles from second game too. They are small details, I like more the spirit of the first game but both are absolutely great on my opinion.

And i'm waiting for LOG3 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Which did you prefer, Grimrock 1 or 2?

Post by JohnWordsworth »

I personally preferred LOG2 due to the fact it felt less linear and I felt more immersed in the world with outside areas. I appreciated that LOG2 allowed me to choose my own path to some extent so that, if I hit a hard puzzle, I wasn't just stuck with nowhere to go. I also felt that the characters (and the world) in LOG2 allowed for more variation of play styles so it had more replayability.

I do think the absolute best parts of LOG1 were ever so slightly better than the best parts of LOG2, but at the end of the day, both were great games.
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Re: Which did you prefer, Grimrock 1 or 2?

Post by meril »

I've bought both, 1 und 2 on the release dates. Played the first one two times (and now a third time on iPad) and a lot of very fine custom missions (back into the dungeon, hotel hades). I love this game.

Began with the 2nd part and stop playing after 3 hours. I dont know exactly why, but it was not possible for me to dive in. I could't deal with some of the new features.

But I'm shure, i will try it again, maybe after i finished the iPad version.
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Re: Which did you prefer, Grimrock 1 or 2?

Post by Rya.Reisender »

I can't even decide. Both games were brilliant. I guess the story was better in LoG1 and the LoG2 points with better enemy AI and non-linearity.

What new features did bother you? I can't even remember anything that LoG2 changed compared to LoG1 except for being more open-world and that there are out-of-dungeon areas.
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Re: Which did you prefer, Grimrock 1 or 2?

Post by FennerMachine »

I never played LOG1.
I watched a longplay of it. Started watching LOG2 and had to try it.
It took me a while to get used to the game format as I never played a game like it before.
One of my favourite games of all time.
3 hours of play does not get you to the best bits! The beginning is a little slow, possibly to ease you in.
There are some larger dungeon areas later and more varied enemies.
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Re: Which did you prefer, Grimrock 1 or 2?

Post by Azel »

I enjoyed the puzzles in the first game much more; however, I enjoyed the overall game-world and combat moreso in part 2.

One drawback that both games share is a thorough character class system. Many things need help (like magic and tanking); and both games fail to give a real reason to acquire high-end armor. By the time you have completed armor sets, you end up facing enemies where your armor is fairly irrelevant in determining the outcome.

And I'm also waiting for Grimrock 3 :mrgreen:
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Re: Which did you prefer, Grimrock 1 or 2?

Post by Orac »

Grimrock 2 is a great game but playing Grimrock 1 again on iPad is more atmospheric, the foreboding that builds as you decend deeper adds to it.
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Re: Which did you prefer, Grimrock 1 or 2?

Post by LiveInABox »

Well...I have just started Grimrock 1 having just finished Grimrock 2. I am only starting level 3 but I have a quick question that I thought I would just ask here. Does adding points into a spell school increase the damage output for that school? For example, I have a one mage in my party who uses ice magic. I have 3 points into ice magic so I have the ice shard spell. If I put more points in ice will that cause the spell to do more damage?
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Re: Which did you prefer, Grimrock 1 or 2?

Post by Dr.Disaster »

LiveInABox wrote:Well...I have just started Grimrock 1 having just finished Grimrock 2. I am only starting level 3 but I have a quick question that I thought I would just ask here. Does adding points into a spell school increase the damage output for that school? For example, I have a one mage in my party who uses ice magic. I have 3 points into ice magic so I have the ice shard spell. If I put more points in ice will that cause the spell to do more damage?
More points spend into a spell school will increase it's damage. This is similar to LoG 2 but naturally the increases are a lot smaller.
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