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It's a ctrap! (v1.4)

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 4:58 pm
by Granamir
Hi guys and girls,
here is my dungeon
Here is Italian version of it
There u can also find "Editor files".

If u like adventuring and exploring, if u like smiling and remembering old times this is for u; i also put 55 secrets and 36 cammeos.
Thare are not many puzzles so if u like running to enter a door before it closes, or to think where you have to put a rock to open a secret passage, maybe u will find this poor. (btw even so there are hidden items, secrets, secret items, secret doors, secret buttons, secret walls, illusionary walls later on game, puzzles and time related puzzles, monsters u have to kill to get useful items, monsters that give u essential items and items u have not to waste, essentialy keys; so enjoy atmosphere, keep your eyes open, and don't rush skipping everything is possible...and remember that weapons don't grows on trees.)

Here u'r a castaway, so think to explore to find a way out of that island, keep your ass safe, run if u have too and/or retrace your steps. Dive into the atmosphere and enjoy the fun.
Find all secrets and all cammeos if u can.

There are some differences from main campain, mostly new spells, some items...everything explained during your game experience.
Secrets here are different from main game, here a hidden item, a hidden plain sight item or even an action repeated many times may be a secret (also secret passage and chests are secrets).

U can use any party formation, but i suggest to have at least 1 caster.
Old school mode suggested for better experience with those puzzles i put in.

If u find any bug, error, or something can be improved, please contact me or post it here.

Let me know everything u think about this dungeon.
Thank you.

First i have to tank everyone here on this forum that answered all my questions (minmay mostly).
Skuggasveinn for tutorial video and some models.
Phitt, Eleven warrior, Mysblade, Batty fore some models.
Jhaeleon for some spell or spells basics.
Sps999 for underwater breathing spell basics.
Jkos for some script.
Bongobeat for castle window model and lava object basics.
Daveyxo for lava sky.
If i missed someone just let me know and i'll add u.

CAMMEOS found so far from players:
Star wars
Lord of the rings

If u don't mind losing fun, here u can find some help,
Boat graveyard
Sunken ship
Ship in the sky

Re: It's a ctrap!

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 10:35 pm
by Azel
Publishing to Steam was super easy for me since I purchased Grimrock 1 & 2 through Steam. NexusMods was a fun place to upload my Mod as well. I don't see any reason to avoid Steam since it's a good way to share your Mod easily. My demo Mod has almost 200 downloads right now on Steam, and over 100 on Nexus. I think the only reason to avoid Steam is in cases where your Mod exceeds the file limit.

In my opinion, NexusMods is a "must." Take the top Mod for Skyrim, Falskaar. If you Google the name, the page for Nexus Mods comes up first; and that Mod has over 1-Million downloads on Nexus. But that's just my point of view. Downloading this final version of your Mod now!


The Intro to this Mod is one of my favorites, between current LoG1 & 2 Mod's. I suck as creating Intro's so I skip them altogether lol. The 2 other Mod intro's that stood out the most to me were from LoG1: Mine of Malan Vael and Tomb of Zarthos. I think the Malan Vael intro is still my favorite; even though it was simple I really liked the graphic and music during the story read. Whereas my least favorite intro would be the one for the Lost Halls of Drinn.

The intro to "It's a ctrap" is just good 'ol fashion fun :mrgreen:

Re: It's a ctrap!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 1:02 am
by Granamir
Thank you Azel.
I'll upload this mod asap on steam and nexusmods too.

About intro, thank you...i was about to skip that part too.
For those few seconds it toke me same time i spent for 1 level in my mod (approximately 2-3 weeks).
Hope u will enjoy playing too.
Let me know what do u think about it when u played it.

Have fun.

Re: It's a ctrap!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 3:15 am
by Slayer82
I'm just over an hour into your mod, and I feel that you've done an excellent job.
The level transitions are nice, the enemy placement is fair, the scripting is well made, and the level layout is perfect.
Other mods never take the time to add foliage or other assets to add realism, which I feel is necessary because it offers that feeling of immersion. The beach to underwater transition adds to that feeling and it looks excellent too.
The world is open and nicely made so that you can explore at will. I prefer mods that do that. Puzzles are important, but I don't enjoy puzzle-intensive mods.

I recommend you add it to Nexus Mods immediately so that others can play it. Add some screenshots too, because people should see your work.
Great work!

Oh, and that intro is funny... Random, but funny.

Re: It's a ctrap!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 3:48 pm
by Granamir
Thank you Slayer82.
I'm working to add this to nexus and steam.

Thak you for intro too, even if it's not random.
It toke me a lot of time to find right picture to axplain your background beeing funny and having cammeos.
As u can see later in my dungeon there are a lot of cammeos too. Someone maybe is hard to find because appertain to my culture/tongue (for those u guess are cammeos but can't recognize u can use google...or ask me), but many are international.

Enjoy playing.

Re: It's a ctrap!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:42 pm
by RMariano
Excellent Job...... Plays smoothly- very creative and..... good FPS. Enjoying immensely.

I'm at the gate with the sliding out floor. It stays out for a while then withdraws.

A hint plz??

Re: It's a ctrap!

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 9:24 pm
by Granamir
Thank you.

Need to use dagger u find there, but first have to activate "something" in another part of that map, when u come back here u'll easily understand what to do (if u "unlocked" that other thing)

Re: It's a ctrap!

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 10:26 pm
by Drakkan
not sure if I missed something. I started with new party and I have only branches to fight wizard, wargs or snake. I have fall into the undergroudn where undeads, mumies and several skeletons ambushed me (I had not even single piece of armor). so... for which party level is it ? maybe you should give some clues into the mod description.
As for the level itself - its looking beautifull, perhapas so far the best looking mod I have seen around. From this point you have my real repsect !
I hope I will give it a second try, but the difficulty of it...not sure

Re: It's a ctrap!

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 1:41 pm
by Granamir
Hi Drakkan,
first thank you for letting me know how was your game experience.

...u also have rocks (if u found them on 1st map).
Unfortunatelly that hole u fell in is an escamotage, originally u had to open that hole digging after founding treasure; but is not possible due to game mechanics so i had to do that way.
I put there wargs to let u understand that u have to go elsewere before going there; because u'r too light and unexperienced to have a chance fighting them.
I know that there is my fireflies field and u like them :-P but better run if u have too.

Maybe i have to add some clues...i'll think something nice and not too "phoned". TY
In second map u easily find a couple of wands for caster.
In third map, where u find wizard, u also find 3 ratling + a walking around ratling and some zharcton. Each gives u some equipment.
Also remember that it's not main game, so wizard is not so hard, even if it's still potentially deadly.
I think that if u walk carefully, run if u have too, take monsters 1 per fight it's not so hard.
I'm not at all a good player and during my tests never had much problems.
I hope u give a 2nd chance, because i hope u'll have fun and because i'd like to know how was your second experience.
Anyhow ty for your help.

Re: It's a ctrap!

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 4:52 pm
by Jaberwoke
Obviously missing something here but I can't find a way off the beginning beach.
Approaching the fire area I have to find branches but I only find 1.