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Getting arachnofobia

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:18 pm
by M.M
I am on level 3.

Guess what... spiders are mean. Really mean.

I belive that without those anti poison stuff i have found (recipie for antidote, anti poison shield, i couldnt use anyway untill just before, an anti poison talisman) anti poison, and on hard it would be a true struggle to do anything with them. There are so many of them. It seems game will last longer than hour for me.

One question: do spiders spawn? I few times i had a feeling new one have apperaed where there were none just w while before.

I am postivly suprised by level 2. I was pretty sure i am on the very end of it, but it has turned out there is quite a way to go.

Where are you now?

Re: Getting arachnofobia

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:24 pm
by Jack Dandy
Just starting on lvl 3 myself- Taking my sweet time to map everything out and find as many secrets as possible.

Re: Getting arachnofobia

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:50 am
by richypc
I just happen to lvl earth magic for my mage by chance, during late lvl 2 or early lvl 3 you discover a scroll for poison shield it boosts the entries party resistance by like 40-45 I believe, it reduces the poison damage ticks by a lot.

The major problem is that you need like 13 earth magic to use it which by the time you acquire it or need it against the spiders, so it's not possible to achieve unless you happened to dump a bunch of points into it early on while leaving the other schools untouched almost. In any case, poison damage will revisit you in major ways come lvl 4 and even 5.

So it seems the correct play through will be to have a mage spec early and heavy into earth magic; so when you do a second play through, the poison damage will be negligible, and spiders easily dealt with.

Re: Getting arachnofobia

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:12 am
by FloorBelow
There are a few spider-filled secret chambers in level 3 that open once you pass them.

Re: Getting arachnofobia

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:26 am
by Arkhan
Great. I just hit level 3 and saved. Now I know what to look forward to! :)

Jack Dandy, your avatar rules.

Re: Getting arachnofobia

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:51 pm
by Crashbanito
Anytime I start to get creeped out by the spiders I think back to this video and my problems are resolved.

Re: Getting arachnofobia

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:01 pm
by Jack Dandy
Thanks, Arkhan. Is that Adol from Ys in yours?