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The big "I am stuck at xx and how to proceed?" Topic

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:27 pm
by NorternWolf
Well, I ought there should be a thread there you can post if you'r stuck and for some reason cannot figure out how to escape!

Well, topic maker must always contribute at first eh?

I am at level 3 "Pillars of Light" and I cant figure out of how to make it from the place where teleport mist are circulating in square manner, at mid of the square there are a pithole that can be closed. And at the end of the square to right there are a pressure flat that make the gate open at the end of the square. It's kinda frustating when at this level I did made to obtain the invisibility spell, a superior poison resistance bracer (Serpent Bracer) in hidden places and so on.

Help me, how to make it further? I hate when those teleport mist are rollin by my party with a troll face, saying in mocking manner "U mad bro?"

Picture of the place in the spoiler

Re: The big "I am stuck at xx and how to proceed?" Topic

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:39 pm
by Zander
Have you tried the Hints forum? It's setup for exactly this kind of thing.


Re: The big "I am stuck at xx and how to proceed?" Topic

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:41 pm
by NorternWolf
nvm found it viewtopic.php?f=13&t=645

yeah, I usually stalk in this part of forum and never knew there were a such section haha

Re: The big "I am stuck at xx and how to proceed?" Topic

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:43 pm
by Betaguy
I don't like using hints I will prefer to solve all the puzzles myself even if one takes me a month I am very determined. I am currently stuck btw, I find they are best to take time away from then go back and it usual comes to you with fresh mind. Last night I was so stuck and finally turned it in after many hours, I made progression today after getting home from work, was stupid mistakes as I was tired. I guess what I am trying to say is I want to savor the moment, but I hope they put out regular updates and keep making higher level content I will play this forever, especially if they add towns and pvp and such...would be badass.....