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Is It Possible to Change Weapon / Stat Scaling?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:24 am
by Lohengramm
Hi all, lets say I wanted to change stat scaling so that Strength raised Attack Power more significantly with Axes and Maces?

Then maybe change Missile Weapons and Daggers to only scale damage with Dexterity?

Would it be possible to go in depth enough to improve armor piercing with Strength, even on Daggers, even if they didn't gain Attack Power directly from Strength?

What if I wanted to make spell damage scale with both Skill and Willpower? What if I wanted to modify spell costs based on Skill level?

Could I invent entirely new skills? New spells?

Re: Is It Possible to Change Weapon / Stat Scaling?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:51 am
by Dr.Disaster
Lohengramm wrote:Hi all, lets say I wanted to change stat scaling so that Strength raised Attack Power more significantly with Axes and Maces?
In LoG1 Strength boosts Attack Power at a fixed rate: +2Str -> +1AP
If you want to change this behavior for specifiy weaponry to i.e. +1.5Str -> +1AP you need to modify those weapon definitions with an additional calculation to reflect it.
Lohengramm wrote:Then maybe change Missile Weapons and Daggers to only scale damage with Dexterity?
Same as above: you will need to modify those weapon definitions and add calculations to reflect this.
Lohengramm wrote:Would it be possible to go in depth enough to improve armor piercing with Strength, even on Daggers, even if they didn't gain Attack Power directly from Strength?
Armor Piercing is a trait and as far as i know traits can't be modified.
Yet you could add scripts using the onAttack and onRangedAttack hooks to do something similar in general or again inside the weapon definitions.
Lohengramm wrote:What if I wanted to make spell damage scale with both Skill and Willpower?
Spell damage is already scaled with skill level by the engine.
If you want to add in willpower as well you could either do this by modifying the spell definitions or by adding general scripts using i.e. the onProjectileHit hook.
Lohengramm wrote:What if I wanted to modify spell costs based on Skill level?
Modify the spell definition accordingly.
Lohengramm wrote:Could I invent entirely new skills? New spells?
New spells is no problem; this has been done dozens of times already.
New skills on the other hand .. no idea

Of course others who are much more into modding could give more insight then me ;)

Re: Is It Possible to Change Weapon / Stat Scaling?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:35 pm
by Lohengramm
Thanks for all the answers!

I think I should probably just move to Grimrock 2 if I was going to start up a mod project at this point, though. I was thinking while I wrote that post about how 2 lets weapons scale differently.