GPU Overheating

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GPU Overheating

Post by Mayster »

Is it me or this game takes a toll on the GPU?

Playing online games at the highest settings, I''d get a decent 3c to 5c increase in heat but when playing LoG it adds about 10c to 15c at the highest settings. Even playing regular games like Crysis 2 and Mass Effect 3 has the same 3c to 5c increase at Max Settings.

Any ideas on how to ease up the load?

Note: V-Sync On, Highest Settings, 1920x1080, Full Screen.
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Re: GPU Overheating

Post by Beastman666 »

seems so. see "system shutdown after 5 minutes"-thread: to summarize: the lower the settings i use, the longer i can play before crashing. location in the lower left of my laptop keyboard is warm - with other games it is only slightly warm...
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Re: GPU Overheating

Post by swetr »

I agree. My GPU temperature is 5-10°C warmer while playing Grimrock over other games. For the first time my graphics drivers even crashed (I was playing Grimrock 3h with no problems, after a few hours pause I turn on Grimrock again and 2x driver crashes in 30min).
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Re: GPU Overheating

Post by Fnord »

The game is not frame-rated limited. Try turning on Vsync and your issues should go away. Make sure that your graphics card drivers are not set to "force Vsync off).
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Re: GPU Overheating

Post by Mayster »

CCC Settings are set to default with V-Sync switched to Always On.

In Game settings has V-Sync on as well but it's still torching my card.

Still the same.
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Re: GPU Overheating

Post by Crashbanito »

Have you tried turning triple buffering on? That helps for some.

If not hopefully they get this sorted out.
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Re: GPU Overheating

Post by Mayster »

Triple Buffer On

Increase of 7c in just 2 minutes of gameplay.

Kind of scary that I only noticed this heating problem after I finished the first floor. Kinda reminds me of the time when people's GPUs got fried by Starcraft 2.

EDIT: I'm using a real temp monitor and not a program.
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Re: GPU Overheating

Post by snoozy »

I booted up the game with double buffering and V-Sync forced on and this time it took about 5-7 minutes for the fans to blow loud :( I was still in the beginning of the level and I exited the game when the fans started blowing noise. I quickly opened my GPU monitor and the temperature was at 77c. Now it's at 41c.
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Re: GPU Overheating

Post by Mayster »

Managed to reduce heat by lowering everything to low settings, going to windowed mode and using the smallest Resolution possible.

It got 5c cooler because of that but it's still hotter than any other games i've played.

Can't really risk playing longer due to the fact that I live in a very hot place and keeping my rig at 40c is already a big challenge using only fans.
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Re: GPU Overheating

Post by armando2002 »

This game is also torching my video card. After just 4-5 minutes, my card's fan is running at maximum. I've got the game maxed out, but my PC should well handle it. My card doesn't make this much noise for Batman AA, Skyrim, or Rage maxed, even after a few hours.

Please fix this, as I want to play this game, but it's seriously killing it for me. I have to play with headphones just to ignore the noise from my video card's fan, and my system is dang near silent 99% of the time.

Intel 2500K
Nvidia GTX 570
Antec 300 Case
V-8 CPU Fan
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