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Length of Time Allowed Underwater

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 12:59 pm
by Marco
I haven't actually timed it, but it seems to me that as my characters have leveled up (currently 15), it appears that they can spend much more time underwater. I really started noticing it during my trips to the fish tank to replenish my food supply. The route out is longer than the route in, because you have to travel a fair distance down the waterway before you reach the closest ladder. When leaving the fish tank, It used to be that my party would consistently run out of air and take a round of drowning damage before managing to get out of the water. But now, my end-game characters have absolutely no problem sauntering out of the fishery unscathed. This does not have anything to do with my party's movement rate -- I make sure nobody has injured feet or is burdened before taking long swims.

The other thing I noticed is that previously, we started taking drowning damage the moment we ran out of air. Now, there is frequently a delay -- sometimes surprisingly long -- before the damage starts accruing. But I also think the air meter takes longer to drain in the first place.


Re: Length of Time Allowed Underwater

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 2:06 pm
I can't explain that exactly - my knowledge about the game-mechanic is too low. But I've realized, that the first thing that happens, if you are longer under water, your energy is getting down. I presume, that takes longer, if your champion has more energy, which would mean that you can stay longer under water.

Concerning the delay I have no idea. Maybe a hardcoded feature. Than only AH can give a answer...

Re: Length of Time Allowed Underwater

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 7:15 pm
by minmay
The "meter" takes longer to drain because it's just your energy. When characters level up their energy capacity increases.
Marco wrote:The other thing I noticed is that previously, we started taking drowning damage the moment we ran out of air. Now, there is frequently a delay -- sometimes surprisingly long -- before the damage starts accruing.
I'm pretty sure this is your imagination.

Re: Length of Time Allowed Underwater

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 7:29 pm
by Thorham
minmay wrote:
Marco wrote:The other thing I noticed is that previously, we started taking drowning damage the moment we ran out of air. Now, there is frequently a delay -- sometimes surprisingly long -- before the damage starts accruing.
I'm pretty sure this is your imagination.
I've noticed exactly the same thing. It's hard to imagine this, because the difference is rather obvious. At first I thought they tweaked this mechanic a bit, now I'm not so sure.