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Making a Red Ceiling Light

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 5:53 pm
by spikedsynapse
This may be old hat and the "wrong" way to do it, but clone object doesnt seem to work for me... and this works.
(also i am a noob to modding,scripting, and such)

I wanted to make a red ceiling light asset. Here is how i did it.

Step One:

I copied the asset definition for castle_ceiling_light from the new asset pack (HOORAY ITS OUT)

I changed the color codes of that object and placed it in the objects.lua file under my mod. I also pointed to a new particle system(castle_ceiling_light_red) that I defined in a similar way(below)

Code: Select all

	name = "castle_ceiling_light_Red",
	components = {
			class = "Light",
			type = "spot",
			spotAngle = 90,
			rotation = vec(-90, 0, 0),
			spotSharpness = 0.7,
			offset = vec(0, 4.5, 0),
			range = 20,
			--color = vec(1, 0.1, 0.1),
			color = math.saturation(vec(0.47, 0.1, 0.1), 0.9),
			brightness = 6,
			castShadow = true,
			shadowMapSize = 1024,
			--debugDraw = true,
			class = "Light",
			name = "pointlight",
			type = "point",
			offset = vec(0, 4.5, 0),
			range = 6,
			--color = vec(0.45, 0.8, 1.55),
			color = math.saturation(vec(1, 0.1, 0.1), 0.9),
			brightness = 5,
			class = "Particle",
			particleSystem = "castle_ceiling_light_red",
			offset = vec(0, 4.75, 0),
			class = "Controller",
			onActivate = function(self)
			onDeactivate = function(self)
			onToggle = function(self)
				if self.go.light:isEnabled() then
	placement = "floor",
	editorIcon = 88,
Step 2
I looked up the asset definitions for castle_ceiling_light I duplicated the file and created a file called castle_ceiling_light_red. I changed the code below and now i have an asset in the particles directory called "castle_ceiling_light_red.lua"

Code: Select all

	name = "castle_ceiling_light_red",
	emitters = {
		-- glow
			spawnBurst = true,
			emissionRate = 1,
			emissionTime = 0,
			maxParticles = 1,
			boxMin = {0, 0,-0.1},
			boxMax = {0, 0,-0.1},
			sprayAngle = {0,30},
			velocity = {0,0},
			texture = "assets/textures/particles/glow.tga",
			lifetime = {1000000, 1000000},
			color0 = {1, 0, 0},
			opacity = 1,
			fadeIn = 0.1,
			fadeOut = 0.1,
			size = {3, 3},
			gravity = {0,0,0},
			airResistance = 1,
			rotationSpeed = 0,
			depthBias = 1,
			blendMode = "Additive",

		-- flames
			emissionRate = 30,
			emissionTime = 0,
			maxParticles = 100,
			boxMin = {-0.03, -0.07, 0.03},
			boxMax = { 0.03, -0.07,  -0.03},
			sprayAngle = {0,10},
			velocity = {0.1, 0.4},
			texture = "assets/textures/particles/goromorg_lantern.tga",
			frameRate = 45,
			frameSize = 64,
			frameCount = 16,
			lifetime = {0.25, 0.85},
			colorAnimation = false,
			color0 = {1.5, 0, 0},
			opacity = 1,
			fadeIn = 0.15,
			fadeOut = 0.3,
			size = {0.17, 0.015},
			gravity = {0,0,0},
			airResistance = 1.0,
			rotationSpeed = 1,
			blendMode = "Additive",
			depthBias = 0,
			objectSpace = true,

		-- inner glow
		--	spawnBurst = true,
		--	emissionRate = 1,
		--	emissionTime = 0,
		--	maxParticles = 1,
		--	boxMin = {0,0,0},
		--	boxMax = {0,0,0},
		--	sprayAngle = {0,30},
		--	velocity = {0,0},
		--	texture = "assets/textures/particles/glow.tga",
		--	lifetime = {1000000, 1000000},
		--	colorAnimation = false,
		--	color0 = {0.07, 0.11, 0.23},
		--	opacity = 1,
		--	fadeIn = 0.1,
		--	fadeOut = 0.1,
		--	size = {0.5, 0.5},
		--	gravity = {0,0,0},
		--	airResistance = 1,
		--	rotationSpeed = 0,
		--	blendMode = "Additive",
		--	depthBias = 0.1,
		--	objectSpace = true,

		-- outer glow
			spawnBurst = true,
			emissionRate = 1,
			emissionTime = 0,
			maxParticles = 1,
			boxMin = {0,0,0},
			boxMax = {0,0,0},
			sprayAngle = {0,30},
			velocity = {0,0},
			texture = "assets/textures/particles/glow.tga",
			lifetime = {1000000, 1000000},
			colorAnimation = false,
			color0 = {1, 0, 0},
			opacity = 0.75,
			fadeIn = 0.1,
			fadeOut = 0.1,
			size = {1.25, 1.25},
			gravity = {0,0,0},
			airResistance = 1,
			rotationSpeed = 0,
			blendMode = "Additive",
			depthBias = 0.1,
			objectSpace = true,
Step 3

finally I added the particles definition to the init.lua file so that it would load propperly

Code: Select all

import "mod_assets/particles/castle_ceiling_light_red.lua"
now everything seems to work propperly and I have a nice red light.

Hopefully this is simple enough for someone like me to follow without having to spend the hours I did trying to figure this out. Also if there is an easier way to do this (cloneObject does not work(at least as i see it in the forum)) please let me know.

Re: Making a Red Ceiling Light

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 3:10 am
by Grimfan
Very nice. I was about to start this process myself and having a reference point helps a lot.

I salute you! :D

Re: Making a Red Ceiling Light

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 1:45 pm
by Drakkan
seems nice, need to try that for fireflies :)
thanks for sharing