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System Shutdown after about 5 minutes

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:38 pm
by Beastman666
Hi ho. Great Game...

Unfortunately only on my desktop pc, not on mylaptop.

on my laptop, the laptop shuts down (not a restart, a real shut down), as if someone has cut the power source after about 5 minutes of play. every time. on my dektop pc no problems at all. windows event log says "system shutdown. kernal tracking error." no more information than that.

here are the specs:

laptop: win7 64 bit, 4gb ram, nvidia 9600M GT (btw. the beta-test tool ran without problem)
intel core centrino 2 duo 2,0 Ghz
running on 1366 x 768 all options on high. problem occurs with or without sync/triple buffer, lighting on/off, virusscan on/off.

dektop: win64 bit, 6gb ram, nvidia 8800 ultra
intel p5 core 2 duo e6600
running on 1280x1024 all options on high

my wife kills me if i game in the other room where my desktop is i desperately need the laptop so that she is at least somewhat pacified if i game at her side while she is watching tv in the living rool :lol:

any idea? anyone similar experiences?

Re: System Shutdown after about 5 minutes

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:41 pm
by Darklord
Try enabling VSync, this game has been maxing out some people's graphics cards and causing reboots.VSync sets it to 60 fps max, solving the issue. (It's in the game's options)

Ensure you have disabled any external Anti aliasing.


Re: System Shutdown after about 5 minutes

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:17 pm
by Patchumz
I too agree you should try with VSync on, Grimrock was locking up my system completely if I didn't enable it.

Re: System Shutdown after about 5 minutes

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:07 pm
by Beastman666
Nope. Doesn't help. Tried it a couple of minutes ago with new party. First crash occured after killing the first snail at level 1...

Mmmm. Perhaps driver problem? I have newest version 296.10 on my laptop. on desktop i still have the previous one...

Some more info:

seems to be GPU-heating problem:

my laptop gets very warm on the lower left below the keyboard. normally i feel only a slight warmth, but with grimlock it IS warm.

the following seems to confirm this: the lower the settings the longer i can play (although only a couple of minutes)

have used windows mode, lowest resolution, oosa off, vsync off, low shadows, low textures, best result: about 10 minutes, then *boom*

i guess i stop experimenting around, before i destroy my harddrive...