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Amazing game thanks and well done!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:03 pm
by Renevent
So glad someone finally decided to modernize and remake an old school style RPG, and after finally getting my hands on Legend of Grimrock last night it's safe to say Almost Human totally nailed everything about these kinds of games. I already knew I would enjoy the game, what I didn't know is just how much it would surpass my expectations.

Based on the videos it was pretty clear the basic mechanics were solid, however, I since LoG is an indie game I sorta expected some things to be lacking. After playing 3-4 hours last night I can safely say this is one of the best games I've played in a long time. The things I didn't expect were all the great little details like the notes. I didn't expect the game to be absolutely dripping with atmosphere and the melding of music and sound to be done so well. The atmosphere is so well done, I'd almost put it on par with Arx Fatalis which in my humble opinion is one of the most atmospheric games ever made.

I hope Almost Human becomes stinking filthy rich with Legend of Grimrock and continues to bring us high quality modernized versions of classic RPG games. I'm personally bored out of my mind by most RPG's these days...Bioware games are practically relationship management games and bore me to death with endless cutscenes and dialog. Legend of Grimrock reminds us that it wasn't always like this, and a RPG can be just as if not more compelling by simply giving the player a custom group of heroes and have the try and survive the world they are put in :D

Re: Amazing game thanks and well done!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:23 pm
by respergu
I love this game!!! I managed to go through level 2 so far and I really enjoyed the experience, I played a few hours but I think that I'm
already addicted to this game!!

Thanks for bringing back this awesome game!!! :D

Re: Amazing game thanks and well done!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:35 pm
by stubbie
I was going to make a post somewhere just to thank the guys at Almost Human for this bloody great game and I came across this post which pretty much sums up how I feel also.

So I just want to add that you have made a 55yr old gamer very happy.
The last time I played a game like this was M&M World of Xeen in 1992.
I made a special desk at home for that game so I could lay out all my graph paper and notes just to play it.

While I wont be playing Grimrock using graph paper (I love automapping too much) I can see me turning every corner in the dungeon with the same anticipation I had with Xeen.

You guys have done a fantastic job. And to release the game DRM free is a credit to you and your company.
Plus the price you have released the game for is to be highly commended.
You will have my full support with any future Grimrock releases.

Re: Amazing game thanks and well done!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:17 pm
by muffinman5423
:D thanks for making this game!

Great Job i wish i wasn't at work so I could go home and play

Re: Amazing game thanks and well done!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:03 pm
by hansmuff
I registered just to give my feedback as well.

I'm almost 40, and I was a completely hopeless Dungeon Master addict when it came out. The comparison between Grimrock and DM comes up often, and justifiably so. When I read about Grimrock and saw some screenshots, I had some hopes for the game. At the same time, I was concerned that my nostalgic memories of Dungeon Master would let no game stand on the pedestal with what I consider one of the top 3 dungeon crawler RPGs of all time.

I pre-purchased Grimrock and decided that even a mildly disappointing throwback to the 'good old days' of no responsibilities and never ending game time would be kind of cool.

You all had me fooled.
I played for about 5 hours last night and I did not want to stop. I play on 'Hard'. My party has died a few times, I had to restart the game with a different party because even though carefully crafted, the composition did not stand up to the High difficulty mobs.

I've been scared, excited, full of wonder like a little kid. This game is masterfully crafted and it is obvious that Almost Human didn't just release a game. This is a work of art, it is an appropriate and respectful nod to the old style dungeon crawler.

This game is so much more than I could have hoped in my wildest dreams. The assets, both graphical and audio, are fantastic. The dungeons are very well crafted and a lot of fun to traverse. The puzzles are straight out of the DM playbook, and expertly applied.
I haven't found a single bug in this game so far. Everything just works on release day.

Thank you so much, Almost Human. This game is legendary and you have created something awesome I will play for a long time. I will keep an eye out for any future work of your studio.

Back to the spiders...

Re: Amazing game thanks and well done!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:25 pm
by kyogen
This is the second "congrats" thread I'm joining, but I really couldn't agree more with most of what's already been said here. The game really is a pleasure to look at and play: extremely well-crafted puzzles (some easy, some difficult), good monster variety and placement, logical but still interesting level design, enjoyable narrative context, lovely art and creature design, and a nice stat/resource management system that is user-friendly without doing too much hand-holding.

Nice job, Almost Human!