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Request: "invert" mouse buttons (combat)

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:43 pm
by Crise
It is what it says on the tin... please add an option to switch the functions of left and right clicks in the context of combat controls (this is because, when things get frantic, oh how many times I accidentally have left clicked to attack and had the weapon stuck on my mouse instead.)

I believe computer users are conditioned to left click = activate/press, so when it comes to combat it is bit counter intuitive and when things get hectic I sometimes forget this (especially since left clicking on a button in the wall does activate it).

Re: Request: "invert" mouse buttons (combat)

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:49 pm
by CaspianRoach
Yeah I found myself disarming myself in combat, too. I don't know about older games, maybe that was the control scheme there, but I've played Lands of Lore and I'm pretty sure to attack you pressed Left mouse button on the weapon icon.

Re: Request: "invert" mouse buttons (combat)

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:52 pm
by swetr

This is pretty annoying (at the beginning I was disarming myself all the time :D).

Re: Request: "invert" mouse buttons (combat)

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:18 pm
by Mameluk
Then what would you use to switch weapons with? The right mouse button? Not intuitive at all!

Well, no harm in including the option, though. ;)

Re: Request: "invert" mouse buttons (combat)

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:34 pm
by Crise
Mameluk wrote:Then what would you use to switch weapons with? The right mouse button? Not intuitive at all!

Well, no harm in including the option, though. ;)
How is using right mouse button to equip and unequip any less intuitive.

If we synonym left click as "use" (including attacking) then right click can be called "equip". It would also match with the behaviour that right clicking piece of equipment actually does equip said item. The term "use" will also fit with the fact that you use items in the game world with left click (of you want to generalise more, call it interact or whatever).

I am more surprised about the default way it has been set up, because at glance it seems in discord with the rest.

I can venture a guess as to why right click was used as the attack button... they want user to be able to slot in equipment as he finds it without needing to open the character sheet. But you know, you could simply check "is something in hand" > left click = "quick equip"; "empty hand" > left click = "use/attack" [in the contest of characters hands].

The only advantage to using right click as an attack button is if you want to pick an equipped weapon into an empty hand, without opening the character sheet, (if we assume the above was in effect). Well torches might become annoying, but you know they could simply be automatically dropped... no one is going to use a burnt out torch to attack.

Re: Request: "invert" mouse buttons (combat)

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:51 am
by Crash
I can understand that the designers adapted the controls to this streamlined interface which consolidates the character portraits/status, marching order icon, and attack buttons, and allows equipment changes without entering the character sheet. Unfortunately I am trying to overcome 25 years of muscle memory.

I haven't figured out if I will be able to adapt to the LoG implementation of mouse control, as I expect to use the left button to manipulate the environment and attack, and right to open character sheets. Spell casting could be even more confusing. I do wish that left-click, right-click, and double-click on the character pane could be user assignable to each action. For the moment I keep disarming myself in the midst of combat.

Re: Request: "invert" mouse buttons (combat)

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:26 am
by thanthen
+1 can't believe no one spoke of this during beta

also, I should be able to swap torches that's on my cursor with the one on the wall simply by clicking on the torch on the wall while I have the other torch on the cursor.

AND while ya at it, when playing in windowed mode, the X which closes the inventory is very close to the X that closes the entire window(shut downs the game). Easy to lose progress that way. Should pop up a confirm window at least. Really.. did anyone beta tested this.. :mrgreen:

Re: Request: "invert" mouse buttons (combat)

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:36 am
by Mameluk
Crise wrote: snip
Left button is used for most inventory functions. It's not intuitive to have some of the inventory management happen with the left button and some with the right button. You have to stay consistent.

Re: Request: "invert" mouse buttons (combat)

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:48 am
by Mychaelh
It would make sense for Left-handedness (like I am).
I play with movement keys on numpad and mouse on the left side. Attack button is the left mouse key. I have to click it with my middle finger.
+ The Party icons are on the right side of the screen, which even more complicates things for me, ...would be nice to have an option to put them on the left side.

Re: Request: "invert" mouse buttons (combat)

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:04 am
by andysonofbob
Can you not map the controls then? Many gamers today use a mouse with 5 buttons!