This is to test the priority that the engine gives in processing the different levels. The game, as we know from LoG1, processes levels other than the current level at a slower rate.
Here's Rufus in the testing chamber:
Code: Select all
function currentLevel()
hudPrint("Timer test chamber triggered.")
spawn("fireball_large", 1, 17, 15, 3, -1)
function oneLevelAway()
hudPrint("Timer one level west triggered.")
function twoLevelsAway()
hudPrint("Timer two levels west triggered.")
spawn("fireball_large", 1, 17, 15, 3, -1)
Here's the result:
Going from current level to next level to 3rd level, the ratio for processing time in my test was approximately 10 : 1.5 : 0.5. Big differences! So, plan your mods accordingly.
*Also, the automap zoom doesn't work in the editor. I tried everything to make it work, searched the forums, all keys, etc. Maybe it only works for compiled games? (or mine is busted