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glowing, floating entity that doesn't seem to take damage?!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 10:03 pm
by lmaccarty
There is this yellow sparkling creature blocking my progress.
It does damage but I cant seem to hurt it.
Fireball, frost, etc. report 0 damage.
How do I get rid of this thing?

Re: glowing, floating entity that doesn't seem to take damag

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 10:08 pm
by GabulaX
You have 3 options
>Cast "Dispel" on it with one of your spellcasters
>Attack it with a certain weapon
>Use a certain magic staff on it

"Dispel" Needs 1 water magic, you draw all the nine runes in a snake pattern starting from the top. There's a dagger in the cemetery that lets you damage the monster. Theres a staff in the flooded dungeon on Sleet Island that shoots dispel without needing 1 point in water.

Re: glowing, floating entity that doesn't seem to take damag

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:58 am
by Lyverbe
I've started encountering them and I'm stuck too. I've found a method (different that the one in the spoiler) that gives me a damage value, but the value is written in green instead of red or white. Does this mean I'm hitting in a "positive" way, like healing the encounter? I've been hitting for a long time and it's still there.

Re: glowing, floating entity that doesn't seem to take damag

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 4:45 pm
by Depili
Green damage amounts indeed mean you are healing instead of dealing damage.

White - Normal
Red - Vulnerable to this, does extra damage
Green - Healing