How Do I Edit Monster and Item Values?

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How Do I Edit Monster and Item Values?

Post by mythos »

I am trying to make a custom dungeon, and the only thing I can't seem to figure out is how to edit values. For example, I am trying to make a turtle boss that hits harder and is stronger. I can adjust his level and hp, but I'd rather finely tweak his dmg parameters, or better yet, add a special skill to his arsenal like poison or something.

I also would like to make custom weapons within my dungeon. I tried a google search but came up short. Any help would be great! I would be very grateful.

Lastly, I noticed some of the monsters from grimlock 1 did not make it into grimlock 2 (like snails). Is there a easy way to import these over so I can use them in my dungeon?
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Re: How Do I Edit Monster and Item Values?

Post by mythos »

So I figured out how to edit the respective items.lua and monsters.lua files. The problem is they do not contain any examples. I downloaded the grimlock 1 asset file, which helped a lot. Unfortunately the games differ slightly so I can't figure out exactly to edit it.

I am trying to make a turtle boss that does more damage then a normal turtle. I am also trying to add new subsets of weapons. For example a rusty longsword, rusty dagger, ect. It looks like grimlocks script differs too much for it to show up in my dungeon.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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Re: How Do I Edit Monster and Item Values?

Post by Alan1149 »

as for right now, your gonna have to wait untill the grimrock 2 assets pack is out, along with the next version of grimrock modding toolkit.
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Re: How Do I Edit Monster and Item Values?

Post by mythos »

Can you confirm that the dev's said they would be releasing the tools? I haven't seen anything from them confirming that they will be doing a similar asset pack.
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Re: How Do I Edit Monster and Item Values?

Post by Skuggasveinn »

well its on the todo list on the official website
As for the GMT 2, I know for a fact that JohnW has been burning the midnight oil working on that thing, but the final version of that will come after the Model and Animation File Formats will get published (that's also on the todo list)

I say a couple of weeks, or when Petri gets into the Glögg around x-max :D
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Re: How Do I Edit Monster and Item Values?

Post by mythos »

Skuggasveinn wrote:well its on the todo list on the official website
As for the GMT 2, I know for a fact that JohnW has been burning the midnight oil working on that thing, but the final version of that will come after the Model and Animation File Formats will get published (that's also on the todo list)

I say a couple of weeks, or when Petri gets into the Glögg around x-max :D
Thanks Skuggaveinn you are super helpful! Thanks for all your hard work on those videos too, I know that stuff can be time consuming!
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