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Sequence and multiple triggers
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:05 pm
by N'Zembwa
How to make a sequence floor trigger where you have to move in a specific way either with invisible or plate floor triggers? and how to make a multiple trigger, where you have to press several floor plates at once to activate something?
Re: Sequence and multiple triggers
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 6:52 am
by KadoDragon
N'Zembwa wrote:How to make a sequence floor trigger where you have to move in a specific way either with invisible or plate floor triggers? and how to make a multiple trigger, where you have to press several floor plates at once to activate something?
Not sure about the sequenced one. But having multiple floor triggers down can be done with a counter. I'll use five floor triggers as an example. Have a counter set to 5. Make the five floor triggers. Connect them all to the counter so that when they activate the counter decrements. Then make another trigger for each floor trigger that when they deactivate it increments. Then, have the counter trigger what ever you want to happen when the floor triggers are down set for when the counter activates. As far as I understand, a counter activates when it reaches zero, so you want the counter to be set for however many floor triggers you want pressed down.
That SHOULD work. But I may be wrong. I'm about 98% sure that will work.
Re: Sequence and multiple triggers
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 4:42 pm
by SnowyOwl47
If you define your own party with party hooks you can get when they go a certain way so you can have a floor trigger trigger a script that will get which way the party goes next.