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Any way how to move surface height of the water ?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 7:32 pm
by Drakkan
If I place any water tile on lower floor, surface of the water is still appearing on -1, but I want surface on -3 ! Setting height of the water object do not help. any way ?

Re: Any way how to move surface height of the water ?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 7:34 pm
by SnowyOwl47
Drakkan wrote:If I place any water tile on lower floor, surface of the water is still appearing on -1, but I want surface on -3 ! Setting height of the water object do not help. any way ?
Please explain this a little better next time,

If I'm getting this right you want to know if Setting height will change anything that has to do with the water? I don't think it will it will just set if the water type has a ceiling how high that is :/

Re: Any way how to move surface height of the water ?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 7:42 pm
by Drakkan
SnowyOwl47 wrote:
Drakkan wrote:If I place any water tile on lower floor, surface of the water is still appearing on -1, but I want surface on -3 ! Setting height of the water object do not help. any way ?
Please explain this a little better next time,

If I'm getting this right you want to know if Setting height will change anything that has to do with the water? I don't think it will it will just set if the water type has a ceiling how high that is :/
lets say I want make a river on floor -3. So i create some solid tileset on floor -2 and than place water tiles on floor -3. Put water object to map. Now surface of the water is still floating on -1 floor in the air. setting height of the water object do nothing.
EDIT - yes I think there is some definiton in asset on which floor water surface is placed, so seems without manual we are lost :/

Re: Any way how to move surface height of the water ?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 7:48 pm
by SnowyOwl47
Drakkan wrote:
SnowyOwl47 wrote:
Drakkan wrote:If I place any water tile on lower floor, surface of the water is still appearing on -1, but I want surface on -3 ! Setting height of the water object do not help. any way ?
Please explain this a little better next time,

If I'm getting this right you want to know if Setting height will change anything that has to do with the water? I don't think it will it will just set if the water type has a ceiling how high that is :/
lets say I want make a river on floor -3. So i create some solid tileset on floor -2 and than place water tiles on floor -3. Put water object to map. Now surface of the water is still floating on -1 floor in the air. setting height of the water object do nothing.
EDIT - yes I think there is some definiton in asset on which floor water surface is placed, so seems without manual we are lost :/
When you place down water you find the water for whatever your using forest/castle/dungeon/beach/etc no need to place a floor it will already to that automatically lets say you want to make a river with a bridge you'd use forest water place it down at -1 or lower, and make sure to add a ladder so if they fall in they can get back up but what I do is put invisible_walls to make sure they can't even go in it. And then you place your bridge the water done easy :D

Re: Any way how to move surface height of the water ?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:04 pm
by Skuggasveinn
The water level (height if the surface of the water) is fixed. You can't change that atm.
So you can't create water at -3, you will need to plan beforehand, and start the level at a higher elevation so that when the party has gone down be 3 and sees the water, they are at 0


Re: Any way how to move surface height of the water ?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:21 pm
by Chimera005ao
Skuggasveinn wrote:The water level (height if the surface of the water) is fixed. You can't change that atm.
So you can't create water at -3, you will need to plan beforehand, and start the level at a higher elevation so that when the party has gone down be 3 and sees the water, they are at 0

I wonder if there will eventually be a way to change it, especially in a non-global way.
Like water height here at 5, but over here it is -2. : 3

Vertical movement in water would be cool too. From what I've seen so far, it should be possible once we know more about various objects.

Re: Any way how to move surface height of the water ?

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 8:02 am
by Drakkan
thanks for tips guys, however not possible to start making level lets say on floor 3, because majority tiles does not support that (as I am aware only dungeon tileset is working for this). So definitely I hope we will be able to set evrything as required when having some documentation, because editor seems little crappy in this direction as for now :/

Re: Any way how to move surface height of the water ?

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 8:12 am
by Mysterious
Hi. Hey Skuggs I you can do it can you make a Video on the subject, as I am trying the same thing thxs :)

Re: Any way how to move surface height of the water ?

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 8:40 am
by Faerghail
Hope will be able to change this water level in a near future.

Re: Any way how to move surface height of the water ?

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 4:30 pm
by Soaponarope
I hope so too. Seems like it would be a very simple thing to alter. I have a map that goes from -7 to 7 and only wanted water from -5.