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Assets and introduction to scripting and scripting ref ETA ?
Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 6:54 am
by cromcrom
Hello there. Any ETA of the assets download and Introduction to Scripting (with list of Scripting references ) ? Just, erm, you know, I am on holydays next week, and I will have plenty of time to code (that is, if I don't go hiking. Anyways...).
Re: Assets and introduction to scripting and scripting ref E
Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 7:03 am
by Mysterious
Sorry Crom Crom no luck on that yet but I hope it happens soon, god I need them bad lol.
Re: Assets and introduction to scripting and scripting ref E
Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 7:52 am
by Chimera005ao
Quite a few of us are waiting. There is much fun to be had.
A trip of a thousand leagues starts with a step.
And ends with Johny dying of dysentery somewhere around Chimney Rock.
Re: Assets and introduction to scripting and scripting ref E
Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 11:00 am
by NutJob
I agree with this thread. Actually I'm willing to pay to have the documentation at this point. Thank you ADHD for making me want to spend all my money.
Re: Assets and introduction to scripting and scripting ref E
Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 11:08 am
by Jhaelen
NutJob wrote:I agree with this thread. Actually I'm willing to pay to have the documentation at this point. Thank you ADHD for making me want to spend all my money.
I cannot say anything else than "ME TOO" ! The cool thing is that during the waiting I can put on a (numeric) sheet of paper all my futur mod stories and quests.
Re: Assets and introduction to scripting and scripting ref E
Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:18 pm
by NutJob
Anyone with a little background on creating custom assets in LoG1 help me with this?
Objective: close a door slower so it doesn't slam shut
So far added this to my objects.lua
Code: Select all
defineObject {
name = "door_of_closing",
baseObject = "dungeon_door_portcullis",
components = {
class = "door",
closeVelocity = -0.5,
closeAcceleration = -50,
Reloaded my Project. Woot! It's there.
Added this to a script
Code: Select all
spawn("door_of_closing", 1, 26, 29, 1, 5, "doc1")
floor_trigger_1.floortrigger:addConnector("onActivate", "doc1", "close")
Walked over floor trigger. Works... almost. Door still shuts at the same acceleration and velocity as normal so I think I made my definition completely wrong.
I know one of the dev's gave us a "sample" of the structure (in General Discussion) but I can not, for the life of me, find it again.
Re: Assets and introduction to scripting and scripting ref E
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:03 pm
by JohnWordsworth
I'm afraid I do not have a solution with regards to which keywords to use exactly, but I have spotted on syntax error in your definition which means that the door component is likely not being defined correctly. The "components" property should refer to a list of components (each of which is it's own table), so there should be some extra curly braces in there.
Code: Select all
defineObject {
name = "door_of_closing",
baseObject = "dungeon_door_portcullis",
components = {
class = "Door",
closeVelocity = -0.5,
closeAcceleration = -50,
Notice the extra set of braces around the component definition. I also expect that "Door" should be capitalised (also changed above). Beyond that, there's no definite way of knowing what you need to put for the open/close velocity - but it's possible the above may work!
Re: Assets and introduction to scripting and scripting ref E
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:37 pm
by NutJob
Your example got me back on track and I'm now getting the results I want by removing closeVelocity/Acceleration.
Code: Select all
defineObject {
name = "door_of_closing",
baseObject = "dungeon_door_portcullis",
components = {
class = "Door"
Works exactly how I want; door closes slowly. Now the question is how to speed it up for future Projects. I'm guessing we're waiting to know this kind of information from the LoG2 (unsure what we're waiting for to gain access ~laughs~)
Re: Assets and introduction to scripting and scripting ref E
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 2:35 pm
by NutJob
I have no idea what the range for these method calls are but I got this working.
Code: Select all
spawn("door_of_closing", 1, 26, 29, 0, 5, "doc1")
floor_trigger_1.floortrigger:addConnector("onActivate", "doc1", "close")
Velocity: -0.1 (slowest) to -100 (fastest). No idea what the actual range is but going lower (faster) than -100 I seen no difference.
Edit: the best my perception allows, this...
Code: Select all
... seems to be about default closing speed.
Re: Assets and introduction to scripting and scripting ref E
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:03 pm
by cromcrom
May I suggest you guys open a dedicated thread about this door issue, as it might interest other modders, that might not think about looking into this tread