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Slight UI lag BUG (mouse input issue due to weapon charge)

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:29 am
by eLPuSHeR
I am experiencing a very minor, weird and hard to reproduce issue with the UI. There is certain lag when using the attack button but only on the first player. Has anyone noticed something like this?

I am running under Win7 x64 with 4 GB RAM and nVidia GeForce GTX660Ti. The game runs amazingly smooth on all areas. VSYNC is forced ON in drivers.
Maybe I need to lower prerenderd frames or something. Everything else is left at defaults.

Oh, and another question: Does anybody know if Triple Buffering is for OpenGL only?

Re: Slight UI lag. Anyone?

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:52 am
by eispfogel
No Triple Buffering is also for Direct3D. You should use the triple buffer in conjunction with a maximum of 2 prerendered frames and vsync on.
The lag you are describing is what i get when i set the prerendered frames too high. I use 1 frame ahead now and have only a minor lag, like when you move items they will always catch up to my actual mouse position, but i have no issues with the combat itself.

LoG1 was the same way.

Re: Slight UI lag. Anyone?

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 6:56 pm
by eLPuSHeR
I have reinstalled the nVidia drivers because the control panel didn't show up anymore. I will try the prerendered frames ahead later (currently set to Application preferred).

Re: Slight UI lag. Anyone?

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:11 pm
by eLPuSHeR
Ok. Things have improved. I hadn't notice VSYNC setting inside LoG2 have got three different values. I put it on but it has got also a triple buffering option.
I tried the debug option. I am getting a consistent 52-75 fps. Good. Tried disabling VSYNC just for testing sake and I got a horrible dizzying screen tearing.

Re: Slight UI lag. Anyone?

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:15 pm
by Dr.Disaster
eLPuSHeR wrote:Ok. Things have improved. I hadn't notice VSYNC setting inside LoG2 have got three different values. I put it on but it has got also a triple buffering option.
I tried the debug option. I am getting a consistent 52-75 fps. Good. Tried disabling VSYNC just for testing sake and I got a horrible dizzying screen tearing.
Set Vsync and Tripple-Buffer to "On" in both driver and LoG2. Works great.

Re: Slight UI lag. Anyone?

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 8:35 am
by eLPuSHeR
Yes. I have done that. Thanks. 8-)

Re: Slight UI lag. Anyone?

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 9:57 pm
by eLPuSHeR
Now that I am level 12 and the game progresses, I am getting quite a terrible UI lag. The game seems to run fine, but not every click is responding.

Maybe my mouse is dying (probably, because it's old, but I haven't noticed anything weird outside LoG2).

Ideas are very welcome.

Re: Slight UI lag. Anyone?

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 11:11 pm
by Galnospoke
Yes, it is. Agree. I find it too.

Re: Slight UI lag. Anyone?

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 12:42 am
by eLPuSHeR
I have made two modifications that seemed to have helped to alleviate this issue.

Texture filtering under nVidia Control Panel was set to High Quality. I have set it to Quality and also enabled two performance workarounds below.
I have swapped AHCI mode for Native IDE for my aging mainboard chipset. I think AHCI isn't that good implemented and it may have some slight latency/overhead.

However this issue isn't totally resolved yet. There is noticeable input lag when clicking attack buttons while strafing.

Re: Slight UI lag. Anyone?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:15 pm
by CremionisD
Apparently, I have this problem too! First I thought that this was intentional, to make the fight a little bit harder or some other mechanic. But now I saw how fast people can use attacks in Youtube, I no longer think so. It also seems the videos are not sped up in after processing.

As for the game, it runs smoothly everywhere with maxed out details. I've tried most things mentioned here, and also elsewhere. So, I expect one should be able to attack as fast as in LOG-1? This is not possible for me (using same mouse), and that is my point of reference. Any ideas, anyone?