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Translation scroll(s)

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:36 pm
by N'Zembwa
Are there more ?

You have to begin while facing & reading signs?

Re: Translation scroll(s)

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:47 pm
by Depili
You begin on the square without a plate.

For the unknown words, a subtler hint:
There are three that you don't know and the scroll you have has two action-symbols not associated with word on there, this should give you some idea what the words might mean...
And more concrete one:
One is a number, two are rotations. And you need to stay within the grid and not hit any walls.

Re: Translation scroll(s)

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 3:01 pm
by N'Zembwa
Are there more than one scroll? because some words don't have translations. There are also more signs in the world to decipher. I want to know if i begin to decipher with that one scroll i have or do i have to find others? in case you can't decipher with only one.

Re: Translation scroll(s)

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 3:48 pm
by Nyast
So far I only found one scroll, and there are 3 unknown words. One of them ( KO ) can be found if you remember the weird sign in Twigroot forest that you find early in the game, there's a burried treasure chest and that sign can be deciffered if you make assumptions on what KO could be ( which is very easy given the layout of the area ).

After that, remain 2 unknown signs. If you assume one is the opposite of the other, and if you remember the translation scroll, that basically gives you two possibilities.