[MOD] [WIP] The Lost Continent
Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 5:31 pm
Hi all, I am in the starting block to redo, improve and expand The Lost Continent.
I can do everythings by myself, as I mostly did, but I am looking for a writer to write me some good backround/Lore/quests. I will code it.
Setting would be survival open ended semi realistic world, loads of randomness, loads of custom systems and skills (take a look at TLC for grimrock 1 if you want an Idea of the kind of systems I would add.)
I would like a "Discovery of the new World" setting, with forts, tribes, ancient cities, and so on. I am looking for a dark secret for the continent, the party will have to discover and fix in order to save the settlers of an ongoing menace.
Any ideas welcome.
Of course: I don't know yet what specific systems will be present in log 2, nor the Scripting possibilities. This list is assuming the Scripting possibilities will be the same or better than Log1.
However, I am pretty confident, because most stuff below already existed in TLC.
Planned features:
Exhaustion system: would reduce party speed or halt it altogether, and reduce attack speeds and damages of weapons.
Specific attacks: I am really not sure about this one. I will try to add choice of attacks for weapons
Wound system: Light, major, grievous wounds would reduce the PC attributes, with some little chance of permanent effects.
Disease system: Same here, PC having some symptoms the player would have to identify and treat.
Gathering system: various Tools quality, various skills quality.
Crafting system: basically, the system will allow the player to craft randomly generated items.
Items wearability: it will decrease with time, to the point that the item will be unusable.
Lockpickable doors and chests.
Craft results will be random, and possibly, some items stats.
Loot of course will be random
Skill results will be random: critical failure, failure, success, critical success.
Monster spawn will be random. Not all of it, but mostly in the wilderness.
There will be some lairs (small dungeons). It will be possible to clean them, but they will repopulate given time, possibly with other kind of critters.
I will try to add quests. It was very difficult to code this for me in LoG1, due to the lack of possible interactions with critters. We will see.
Specific skill experience (from using the skill) and global experience (from adventuring) will help buy skill levels.
Skills will come in 4 levels: unskilled; novice; compagnon; Master (and maybe legendary for some skills).
A master will unlock a specially powerfull effect for its skills (like only level to gather special components...)
Teachers will provide teachings and lessons in skills.
Without teachings, a player will gain XPs VERY SLOWLY in skills. With the proper teachings, XP gain will be much faster.
Lessons will give an instant boost to Skill XPs.
Both will require money, the higher the level, the more the money.
Planned skills list:
Gathering skills:
Butcher: gather internal parts (meat, glands...) from killing animals.
Skinner: Gather external parts (fur, fangs...) from killing animals.
Scavenger: gather more stuff breaking down items.
Looter: gather more stuff when killing ennemies.
Miner: Gather more minerals/gems from veins.
Wood cutter: gather more and better quality woods from logs and trees.
Herbalist: Gather more herbs and seeds from wild herbs.
Farmer: more chance to properly grow plants from wild seeds.
Bee Keeper: Gather honey from wild hive. Install wild hive in apiary, to gather more honey. Honey will be used in sweet recipes. Sweet recipes will give bonus to energy regeneration.
Crafting skills:
WeaponSmith: craft mineral weapons
ArmorSmith: craft mineral armors
Tinkerer: craft all manners of Tools (crafting Tools, gathering Tools, lockpicks, torchs...)
Alchemist: brew potions and chemical mixtures (black powder)
Cook: cook various meals
Ebenist: craft wooden weapons (arrows, bows, staves...)
Leatherworker: craft leather armors and weapons.
Tailor: craft cloth armors and items (bandages, cloaks...)
Jeweller: crafts jewels, necklaces, rings, cuts gems...
Imbuer: places gems in items to make them more powerfull
Scroller: write down magic scrolls.
Interaction skills:
Literacy: increase XP gained from reading books
Hunter: bonus damage to animals (not sure about this one)
Tracker: allows to identify and spaw animals from tracks
Trapper: allows to set up traps.
Scout: greater chance to avoid dangerous terrains.
Prospector: identifies unidentified veins.
Medic: increase effect of bandages, allows to identify diseases.
Surgeon: better chance to heal major wounds.
Athletism: increase stamina regeneration before exhaustion.
Meditation: increase mana regeneration
camper: recover more/rest longer from resting.
LockPicker: better use of lockpicks.
I can do everythings by myself, as I mostly did, but I am looking for a writer to write me some good backround/Lore/quests. I will code it.
Setting would be survival open ended semi realistic world, loads of randomness, loads of custom systems and skills (take a look at TLC for grimrock 1 if you want an Idea of the kind of systems I would add.)
I would like a "Discovery of the new World" setting, with forts, tribes, ancient cities, and so on. I am looking for a dark secret for the continent, the party will have to discover and fix in order to save the settlers of an ongoing menace.
Any ideas welcome.
Of course: I don't know yet what specific systems will be present in log 2, nor the Scripting possibilities. This list is assuming the Scripting possibilities will be the same or better than Log1.
However, I am pretty confident, because most stuff below already existed in TLC.
Planned features:
Exhaustion system: would reduce party speed or halt it altogether, and reduce attack speeds and damages of weapons.
Specific attacks: I am really not sure about this one. I will try to add choice of attacks for weapons
Wound system: Light, major, grievous wounds would reduce the PC attributes, with some little chance of permanent effects.
Disease system: Same here, PC having some symptoms the player would have to identify and treat.
Gathering system: various Tools quality, various skills quality.
Crafting system: basically, the system will allow the player to craft randomly generated items.
Items wearability: it will decrease with time, to the point that the item will be unusable.
Lockpickable doors and chests.
Craft results will be random, and possibly, some items stats.
Loot of course will be random
Skill results will be random: critical failure, failure, success, critical success.
Monster spawn will be random. Not all of it, but mostly in the wilderness.
There will be some lairs (small dungeons). It will be possible to clean them, but they will repopulate given time, possibly with other kind of critters.
I will try to add quests. It was very difficult to code this for me in LoG1, due to the lack of possible interactions with critters. We will see.
Specific skill experience (from using the skill) and global experience (from adventuring) will help buy skill levels.
Skills will come in 4 levels: unskilled; novice; compagnon; Master (and maybe legendary for some skills).
A master will unlock a specially powerfull effect for its skills (like only level to gather special components...)
Teachers will provide teachings and lessons in skills.
Without teachings, a player will gain XPs VERY SLOWLY in skills. With the proper teachings, XP gain will be much faster.
Lessons will give an instant boost to Skill XPs.
Both will require money, the higher the level, the more the money.
Planned skills list:
Gathering skills:
Butcher: gather internal parts (meat, glands...) from killing animals.
Skinner: Gather external parts (fur, fangs...) from killing animals.
Scavenger: gather more stuff breaking down items.
Looter: gather more stuff when killing ennemies.
Miner: Gather more minerals/gems from veins.
Wood cutter: gather more and better quality woods from logs and trees.
Herbalist: Gather more herbs and seeds from wild herbs.
Farmer: more chance to properly grow plants from wild seeds.
Bee Keeper: Gather honey from wild hive. Install wild hive in apiary, to gather more honey. Honey will be used in sweet recipes. Sweet recipes will give bonus to energy regeneration.
Crafting skills:
WeaponSmith: craft mineral weapons
ArmorSmith: craft mineral armors
Tinkerer: craft all manners of Tools (crafting Tools, gathering Tools, lockpicks, torchs...)
Alchemist: brew potions and chemical mixtures (black powder)
Cook: cook various meals
Ebenist: craft wooden weapons (arrows, bows, staves...)
Leatherworker: craft leather armors and weapons.
Tailor: craft cloth armors and items (bandages, cloaks...)
Jeweller: crafts jewels, necklaces, rings, cuts gems...
Imbuer: places gems in items to make them more powerfull
Scroller: write down magic scrolls.
Interaction skills:
Literacy: increase XP gained from reading books
Hunter: bonus damage to animals (not sure about this one)
Tracker: allows to identify and spaw animals from tracks
Trapper: allows to set up traps.
Scout: greater chance to avoid dangerous terrains.
Prospector: identifies unidentified veins.
Medic: increase effect of bandages, allows to identify diseases.
Surgeon: better chance to heal major wounds.
Athletism: increase stamina regeneration before exhaustion.
Meditation: increase mana regeneration
camper: recover more/rest longer from resting.
LockPicker: better use of lockpicks.