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20 Questions :)

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:57 pm
by DJK
Some of these might be already answered on the blog or forums but haven't read everything yet, so excueeeeeeze me if I ask something already answered!

1. Can you move the party members around (to shield your dying warrior for further damage for example)

2. I noticed in the shots the weapons in left and right hand form one icon. How do you quicly select what you want to use (left or right) ?

3. Is it possible to drop an item to hold down a pressure plate ? (This one seems obvious but this mechanic is not used in Undercroft for example, heavily used in EoB and adds to puzzle design in my belief)

4. Are "spinners" present ? Eye of the Beholder used magical tiles that turned orientation (south to north for example) (without you actually visually seeying it).. of course it worked in EoB because there was no automap and it would only work on sections of hallways that are the same behind as in front so not to notice the siwtcheroo... (remember EoB1 level 3, right side of the starting area, it happens twice shortly after each other). It would give the compass (see question 5) another use..

5. I read about the compass on the blog archive somewhere that it was a item to be used inhand. Is this still the case ?

6. Will there be (and this is a long shot question) a "secret quest" on every "map" of the dungeon ? Think EoB1 style where every level had one secret thing to do that gave you sometimes an item, sometimes experience, sometimes appreantly nothing except the message ... but at the end it was recongised if you found them all or not... Im not holding my breath for this one but you never know :)

7. This one is likely answered before but still like to know :) How is regeneration handled (hp and mana), do you have to "camp" (rest, sleep etc) as in EoB or solely by eating drinking ? Or maybe there is some form of auto-over-time regeneration (think call of duty, hope not...)

8. I heard food was present, however is food solely used for regeneration of HP or is starvation an issue and do you need to keep your adventurers "fed" ?.. Again the EoB series featured "food" and "starvation", though in my opinion the level 3 mage spell "create food" came to quickly :( so it never really was an issue..

9. What armor classes are present in the game ? Do we have at least the standard "Leather, Mail, Plate" ? do we have more (cloth maybe ?)

10. Will each tileset feature one "secret button design" or will there be more tile configuratons for the same set ? EoB sported one secret button location for each tileset which meant that you "knew" where to look on the wall if a button was there or not.. having multiple secret button tiles in the same tileset would add to the athmosphere!

11. Will there be mystical stone portals (or other form of between level travel) (again, just like in EoB with the "stone" items), I did think it was a good idea and brought some added intermap dimensions beyond the linear ways of moving with stairs between the levels.

12. Is it totally linear levels, as in when you move beyond a level there would never be a reason to go back anymore .. or is it possible that to get past a door in level 7 you need an item of a secret place in level 4 ?

13. Just a for fun question, is it possible to backtrack all the way from the "end" to "the beginning" ? In EoB1 it's possible to backtrack from Xanather level 12 to the fallen rocks of the entrance to Waterdeep level 1 :)

14. Do you need to "identify" magical items or can you flat out always see the stats for an item ? Eye usually used names as "mace +3" or "dagger +1".. or just "ring". There was an alchove in level 4 that identified items for you (labbeled as the "oracle") and that for example "identified" your "ring" to "ring of protection". (which is still rather cloudy but hey...)

15. Is it possible to fall through a pit to the next level ? (this was always possible in Eye and was used very nicely in different ways.... for example, if you remember the big room of pits in level 3. Fall through it and you get to a subsection with a magical wand and teleport back to the main level that is inaccessable through ANY other means. Second good use example, some pits in level 3 dropped you straight in that spider regenerating section of level 4 (and you had to find the key to get back out). The first time that happened (also was on my first play through I was shocked at how many spiders kept coming, didn't help there was a "loop" between north and south which totally throw me off guard and slowly party member after party member dropped down from poison... anyway original question, are pits just "insta death" or do they drop you "somewhere" ? (would be nice if an enemy fell into a pit which is possible, saw it in the trailer, he stayed at the next level where he fell down! Would be funny seeying him again later on)

16. Will monsters be able to follow you through illusionary walls ? A cheap trick in Eye was to lure your mob to an illusionary wall and just pop in hit and pop out, repeat over and over... they never followed through them...

17. Will everything be in the "dungeon" (EoB1 style) or will there be outside areas or towers (think Eob2). Tbh I wouldn't mind following the Eob style, first game totally in the dugeons, second game (or dlc) featuring a mix of outdoor, indoor)

18. Will the characters occassially talk or comment on things ? The character interaction in Eye1 was very limited (Dead End ?, I feel a draft from somewhere, etc), Eye2 featured a little more character/npc interactions..

19. What happens when someone of your party dies ? Eye1 had a ressurect npc in the dwarven floor 5. Eye2 had the Ankh at the temple of Darkmoon and both had the advanced cleric scroll of "raise dead" but that was truly endgame only. I do hope a character dead is meaningull and not just reduced to "as long as one party member survives he can res all others"...

20. More of a suggestion than a question but please already foresee the possibility to "import" your characters to future dlc or sequel!

As a conclusion, again my thanks to make this game a reality and I so hope I won't be dissapointed! (don't think so based on my vid impressions but you never know..) Keep up the good work!!

Re: 20 Questions :)

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:52 am
by Sol_HSA
As I'm on iPhone I'm not going to quote you, but the answer to most of your questions is yes, some of your question answers would be spoilers, but in any case I think you will be positively surprised. ;)

Re: 20 Questions :)

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:05 am
by petri
Many of your questions could be considered spoilerish... Isn't it more fun to find the answers to your questions by playing the game?

So I'm only going to answer these two :)

1) Yes you change the marching order by simply dragging the portraits.
2) The hands are more clearly separated in a newer version of the gui (you're probably looking at some old screenshot)

For the rest, I don't think you're going to be disappointed :)

Re: 20 Questions :)

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:19 am
by Filipsan
DJK wrote:Some of these might be already answered on the blog or forums but haven't read everything yet, so excueeeeeeze me if I ask something already answered!
You really like EoB, don't you? :D

Re: 20 Questions :)

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:10 am
by Boeboe
I'll just ask here, since it's a trivial question :)
Can we use keyboard controls (numpad for fighting/spellcasting?) instead of clicking buttons?

Re: 20 Questions :)

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:04 pm
by petri
Boeboe wrote:Can we use keyboard controls (numpad for fighting/spellcasting?) instead of clicking buttons?
The characters are two handed so it wouldn't work well (you would need 8 keys just for attacking). It's more efficient to multitask with the mouse and keyboard. And once you get into inventory you would have to switch to use the mouse anyway.

Re: 20 Questions :)

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:50 pm
by Jack Dandy
What about the spellcasting itself, though? Can the 9 runes by clicked on through the numpad?

Re: 20 Questions :)

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:07 pm
by petri
Jack Dandy wrote:What about the spellcasting itself, though? Can the 9 runes by clicked on through the numpad?
This doesn't work either because there can be several spellcasting panels open so it's unclear which character's runes you would be using. Besides you don't want to constantly move your hand from numpad to mouse... Attack with mouse, cast spell with numpad = disaster when you're face to face with a Goromorg :D

Re: 20 Questions :)

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:51 pm
by Jack Dandy
Makes sense- I didn't know there could be several spell panels open!

Re: 20 Questions :)

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:51 pm
by gasgas
Is there a way to bind the attacks to keys like (1,2,3,4)? Or a button to use all of them at once? Without having to click on them separatly. Not that it's anything important, but would be nice!