Procedure entry point error message

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Procedure entry point error message

Post by Madzack »

Hi, I've just downloaded & installed Grimrock from GoG, tried launching but got this message:

The procedure entry point
??1critical_section@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ could not be located in the dynamic link library MSVCR100dll

What does that mean?
How can I rectify this?

I've posted this on Gog forums, so far no reply.

Can you help?
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Re: Procedure entry point error message

Post by Madzack »

Can anyone help please?
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Re: Procedure entry point error message

Post by DunCrow »

You could try if installing this ... px?id=5555 on a 32-bit Windows Version or this ... x?id=14632 on a 64-bit Version helps.

This is just a guess though. I' wouldn't count on it.

But if nobody else responds you could try it.

It looks like you have a wrong/bad version of a library file, and I think it belongs to this package.
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Re: Procedure entry point error message

Post by Madzack »

Thanks for replying!

I did what you suggest, still getting same message.

You did your best though, thanks.
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Re: Procedure entry point error message

Post by DunCrow » ... p=30257652

You could also try this. Though manually replacing dlls is sure not the best or most secure solution.
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Re: Procedure entry point error message

Post by petri »

Sounds like the Microsoft DLL is of some old/incorrect version. Installing the Visual Studio 2010 runtime libraries should have fixed that. Finding the right 32-bit version of the DLL and placing it next to the Grimrock exe should fix this but the problem is where to get it reliably. What version of Windows are you running?
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Re: Procedure entry point error message

Post by Madzack »

Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit (6.1 Build 7601)
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Re: Procedure entry point error message

Post by Madzack »

Have to keep bumping. Hope you guys can help.

Tak, y'all
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Re: Procedure entry point error message

Post by Madzack »

Sorry to do this, but can anyone here help?

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Re: Procedure entry point error message

Post by Madzack »

I did everything; download the .dll, clean the registry, still nothing. Can anybody help here?

Again, it's Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit (6.1 Build 7601)
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