[MOD] Prisoner of Bleakhall - UPDATE! 1.33
Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 10:30 pm
I've been working on this thing for a year now and I really hoped to get it out before this, but its been tested and I think its as ready as its going to get. Time to get it out before it spends any more time languishing on computer.
There is also a steam page, not that it has the dungeon its just there to advertise it, if you liked the dungeon maybe rate it up so others can find and play it. you can find it here:
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =244116394
heres some trailers to get you interested:
"Sometimes we must choose between two evils"
It is well known in Stonemorrow that the god Thade maintains the great forbidding that holds the immortals at bay, preventing them from returning and sweeping through the meager lands that mortals now hold, returning the people to the slavery of their ancestors.
Just as well known is that a sacrifice was made, that a terrible price was paid and that at their gods command the priests sealed his former home; Bleakhall, so that none would ever again walk its halls, so none would ever know what happened below the earth.
Now the forgotten people of Stonemorrow are vanishing, for the rich and powerful this has passed unnoticed; but for the Order of the Dust a pattern is emerging one that will lead to the ruined fortress of Bleakhall and its dark secrets.
-Discover what price was paid and why. Two story lines available to play, one by default one unlocked if you find the secret.
-15 floors of dark dungeony goodness, plus 1 extra floor for those who seek it.
-Numerous custom assets, including wallsets, items, monsters, decorations and spells
-Non linear item progression: No longer go from machete to longsword to cutlass etc. But upgrade with variable stats, want weapons with low damage high speed? High damage poor accuracy? special effects? weigh up more choices to suit you.
-A stack of new spells including: Sphere of Agony, Chances shield, Wind blast, Earths bounty, Bind monster, Nova, Ice cone, Channel mana and more.
-Custom party setup: Start alone and seek out other prisoners in the dungeon or ascend alone from the depths
-Novel item effects: How about knockback? a shield that can counter attack with a blast of fire? a crown that lowers your evasion but casts spells on you when you get hit? I got these and more.
-Enjoy multiple boss fights.
-Craft new items from old by making your way to the spell forge.
-Numerous optional side areas: Stuck? there are many floors with alternate paths to the end. Want to explore? go ahead! extra items and recipes are there to reward you.
-And much more
Secrets List: Number of Secrets per floor and their contents (secrets not in order):
In order to help out those who are lost on how to use the spell forge (hopefully most of you have it figured out) I've made a quick video to demonstrate how it works
Version 1.1
-Fixed issue with door in the central prison not opening, now opens with key from the storage room.
-Changed timing on conversation text with Clave and Merin in party, the next line of text now appears after an interval to make it easier to read.
-added a limit to the number of leeches spawned by the trapped hallway in the eastern cells.
Version 1.2
-Fixed issue with Zimbers sack of Hoarding not holding ten items, despite inventory space appearing inside.
-Corrected spelling errors.
-Added various particle effects to items with "unique" properties.
-Fixed issue where Kaze no Katta would cause a crash when the player right clicked on the sword, instead of left clicking.
-Fixed issue where some players would have the last part of a conversation with Clave repeat in a loop
-Fixed pits in the shattered path that fell into "nothing" on the floor below.
-Added/Removed plague ghouls, now they spawn onto the floor as the player enters, should help with slowdown not to have to deal with their onMove hooks while the player is not on the same level.
-Added new high teir throwing weapon, Lodestones.
-Added spell forge recipe and clue for Lodestones.
-Changed the clue in the black and white room to make it clearer as what to do.
Version 1.31
-Reworked Various puzzles to make them more intuitive.
-Change the Iron door on level 4.
-Changed the Mine and Temple custom wallsets.
-Fixed an issue where the puzzle in the eastern prison store room could spawn infinite keys.
-Reworked the bolt of Agony spell, it now casts at under 80% health and damage ramps up below 50%, 25% and 10%
-Fixed an issue resulting from the changes to the Pain bolt that crashed the game when enemies attempted to cast the older and now non existent version (opps).
-Added new monsters
-Added a new mini boss on the warriors path in the Twin paths.
-Reworked and tweaked various side areas.
-Added wall signs and scrolls to speed the players chances of finding new prisoners as Evante.
-Added additional room and clue to access said room when playing special mode.
-Added sixth playable character when playing as the fifth character
-Added Binding .effect chance to Bleakwind axe.
-Added Chance to freeze target to Inquisitor.
-New intro images and card images made by Hermundure, Thanks a ton!
Version 1.32
-Fixed issue with some secrets not registering
-Fixed issue with extra reward items/treasures spawning
Version 1.33
-Fixed issue with reaching prisoner 6
-Fixed crashes resulting from prisoner 5 visiting some empty cells
-Fixed issue where masters riddle was unsolvable if a certain wrong answer was given
Oh yeah the source is also available on the Nexus, but considering what a chaotic mess both the assets and layout of the of the dungeon in editor are, I'll write up something that should tell you where everything is, for those who are interested.
There is also a steam page, not that it has the dungeon its just there to advertise it, if you liked the dungeon maybe rate it up so others can find and play it. you can find it here:
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =244116394
heres some trailers to get you interested:
"Sometimes we must choose between two evils"
It is well known in Stonemorrow that the god Thade maintains the great forbidding that holds the immortals at bay, preventing them from returning and sweeping through the meager lands that mortals now hold, returning the people to the slavery of their ancestors.
Just as well known is that a sacrifice was made, that a terrible price was paid and that at their gods command the priests sealed his former home; Bleakhall, so that none would ever again walk its halls, so none would ever know what happened below the earth.
Now the forgotten people of Stonemorrow are vanishing, for the rich and powerful this has passed unnoticed; but for the Order of the Dust a pattern is emerging one that will lead to the ruined fortress of Bleakhall and its dark secrets.
-Discover what price was paid and why. Two story lines available to play, one by default one unlocked if you find the secret.
-15 floors of dark dungeony goodness, plus 1 extra floor for those who seek it.
-Numerous custom assets, including wallsets, items, monsters, decorations and spells
-Non linear item progression: No longer go from machete to longsword to cutlass etc. But upgrade with variable stats, want weapons with low damage high speed? High damage poor accuracy? special effects? weigh up more choices to suit you.
-A stack of new spells including: Sphere of Agony, Chances shield, Wind blast, Earths bounty, Bind monster, Nova, Ice cone, Channel mana and more.
-Custom party setup: Start alone and seek out other prisoners in the dungeon or ascend alone from the depths
-Novel item effects: How about knockback? a shield that can counter attack with a blast of fire? a crown that lowers your evasion but casts spells on you when you get hit? I got these and more.
-Enjoy multiple boss fights.
-Craft new items from old by making your way to the spell forge.
-Numerous optional side areas: Stuck? there are many floors with alternate paths to the end. Want to explore? go ahead! extra items and recipes are there to reward you.
-And much more
Secrets List: Number of Secrets per floor and their contents (secrets not in order):
Level 1: Bleakhall: 1 Secret
Contents: (Inquisitor)
Level 2: Enclaves Chambers: 2 Secrets
Contents: (Helm of the Legion) (Life Crystal)
Level 3: Fallens Rest: 4 Secrets, 1 Forge Portal
Contents: (Mace of Order), (Ancient Apparatus, Forge Hint, Lifes Pulse, Lurker Hood), (Pit Gauntlets), (Blueberry Pie x 6)
Level 4: Sleepers Hall: 9 Secrets, 1 Forge Portal (3 missable in Orange)
Contents: (Tarbead x 2, Life Crystal), (Greater Mana, Scroll of Healing Balm), (Scroll of Windblast, Blooddrop), (Desert Pearl), (Lifes Pulse, Rune Flask), (Thaumaturgic Balance), (Life Pulse, Wisdom Star), (Falchion, Thaumaturgic Balance), (Crown of Alois)
Level 5: Shadowed Warrens: 5 Secrets
Contents: (Cheese x 3, Crystal Staff), (Miracle Potion x 2, Horn of Jotun, Awaken Snowpoint), (Lightning Rod), (Assassins Dagger), (Rune Flask x 3, Berserk Helm)
Level 6: Twin Paths: 11 Secrets, - 6 Warriors Path, 5 Sages Path
Contents: (Full Helm, Forge Recipe), (Treasure), (Rune Flask), (Huntsman Cloak, Diviners Flask, Scale Cloak), (Scroll of Poison Burst, Lifes Pulse, Thaumaturgic Balance), (Double Axe), (Flail), (Whitestrke, Arrows), (Hardstone Bracelet, Desert Pearl), (Diviners Cloak, Desert Pearl), (Cloak of Night, Gaunlets of Valor)
Level 7: Four Corners: 8 Secrets, 1 Forge Portal
Contents: (Scroll of Ice Cone, Throwing Axe, Milkreed x 2) (Milkreed, Circlet of War), (Tarbead x 2, Boots of Speed), (Tarbead x 3, Milkreed), (Rage Potion, Scroll of Thunder Roll), (Valor Cuirass), (Wisdom Star, Throwing Axe) (Throwing Axe x 2)
Level 8: Shattered Path: 10 Secrets, 1 Forge Portal
Contents: (Greaves of Valor, Forge Hint), (Plate Boots), (Full Helm, Mages Mail), (Milkreed x 2, Flask), (Mole Jerky), (Throwing Axe), (Staff of Manar), (Milkreed), (Cheese, Milkreed, Norja), (Mages Hose, Forge Portal)
Level 9: Carved Earth: 10 Secrets, 1 Forge Portal
Content: (Bronze x 3, Pitroot), (Gold Lock), (Scroll of Earths Bounty), (Bronze x 2, Cutlass), (Crystal Staff), (Shock Powder, Lodestones x 3), (Vemon Edge), (Assassin Dagger, Path of Shadow), (Morningstar), (Lurkers Pants)
Level 10: Guardians Hall: 7 Secrets, 1 Forge Portal
Content: (Ember Shard, Round Shield), (Glacial Fragment, Round Shield), (Yew Staff), (Scroll of Bind Monster), (Cutlass), (Forge Portal), (Greater Mana, Scroll of Fire Shield)
Level 11: The Chasm: 11 Secrets, 1 Forge Portal
Content: (Tarbead x 3, Blooddrop x 3, Milkreed x 2), (Conjurers Hat), (Spirit Mirror Pendant), (Rapier), (Scroll of Fate Fool, Choker), (Unusual Mushroom x 3, Note), (Ring Boots), (Ring Greaves, Chest of Food, Fist Dagger), (Tarbead), (Elemental Plate Legs, Silken Pants), (Forge Portal)
Level 10: Central Prison: 4 Secrets
Content: (Silk Hose, Machete), (Poison Arrows), (Pointy Shoes), (Hide Vest)
Level 13: The Waste Tunnels: 8 Secrets - Some only reachable from other floors
Content: (Shuriken, Lurker Boots), (Knife, Cave Nettles x 2) (Leather Boots), (Hand Axe), (Whitewood Wand, Tattered Cloak), (Miracle Potion), (Arcane Potion), (Bronze, Forge hint - Merin Only)
Level 14: Eastern Cells: 3 Secrets, 1 Forge Portal
Contents: (Scroll of Fireball, Frostbolt, Lightning), (Desert Pearl x 2, Note, Flask), (Arrow, Leather gloves, Leather Armor)
Level 15: Western Cells: 2 Secrets
Contents: (Pointy Shoes, Su'va), (Silken Shirt)
Level 16: Spell Forge: 2 Secrets
Contents: (Greater Mana Potion, Arcane Potion, Casters Brand), (Energy Potion, Forge Manual)
Contents: (Inquisitor)
Level 2: Enclaves Chambers: 2 Secrets
Contents: (Helm of the Legion) (Life Crystal)
Level 3: Fallens Rest: 4 Secrets, 1 Forge Portal
Contents: (Mace of Order), (Ancient Apparatus, Forge Hint, Lifes Pulse, Lurker Hood), (Pit Gauntlets), (Blueberry Pie x 6)
Level 4: Sleepers Hall: 9 Secrets, 1 Forge Portal (3 missable in Orange)
Contents: (Tarbead x 2, Life Crystal), (Greater Mana, Scroll of Healing Balm), (Scroll of Windblast, Blooddrop), (Desert Pearl), (Lifes Pulse, Rune Flask), (Thaumaturgic Balance), (Life Pulse, Wisdom Star), (Falchion, Thaumaturgic Balance), (Crown of Alois)
Level 5: Shadowed Warrens: 5 Secrets
Contents: (Cheese x 3, Crystal Staff), (Miracle Potion x 2, Horn of Jotun, Awaken Snowpoint), (Lightning Rod), (Assassins Dagger), (Rune Flask x 3, Berserk Helm)
Level 6: Twin Paths: 11 Secrets, - 6 Warriors Path, 5 Sages Path
Contents: (Full Helm, Forge Recipe), (Treasure), (Rune Flask), (Huntsman Cloak, Diviners Flask, Scale Cloak), (Scroll of Poison Burst, Lifes Pulse, Thaumaturgic Balance), (Double Axe), (Flail), (Whitestrke, Arrows), (Hardstone Bracelet, Desert Pearl), (Diviners Cloak, Desert Pearl), (Cloak of Night, Gaunlets of Valor)
Level 7: Four Corners: 8 Secrets, 1 Forge Portal
Contents: (Scroll of Ice Cone, Throwing Axe, Milkreed x 2) (Milkreed, Circlet of War), (Tarbead x 2, Boots of Speed), (Tarbead x 3, Milkreed), (Rage Potion, Scroll of Thunder Roll), (Valor Cuirass), (Wisdom Star, Throwing Axe) (Throwing Axe x 2)
Level 8: Shattered Path: 10 Secrets, 1 Forge Portal
Contents: (Greaves of Valor, Forge Hint), (Plate Boots), (Full Helm, Mages Mail), (Milkreed x 2, Flask), (Mole Jerky), (Throwing Axe), (Staff of Manar), (Milkreed), (Cheese, Milkreed, Norja), (Mages Hose, Forge Portal)
Level 9: Carved Earth: 10 Secrets, 1 Forge Portal
Content: (Bronze x 3, Pitroot), (Gold Lock), (Scroll of Earths Bounty), (Bronze x 2, Cutlass), (Crystal Staff), (Shock Powder, Lodestones x 3), (Vemon Edge), (Assassin Dagger, Path of Shadow), (Morningstar), (Lurkers Pants)
Level 10: Guardians Hall: 7 Secrets, 1 Forge Portal
Content: (Ember Shard, Round Shield), (Glacial Fragment, Round Shield), (Yew Staff), (Scroll of Bind Monster), (Cutlass), (Forge Portal), (Greater Mana, Scroll of Fire Shield)
Level 11: The Chasm: 11 Secrets, 1 Forge Portal
Content: (Tarbead x 3, Blooddrop x 3, Milkreed x 2), (Conjurers Hat), (Spirit Mirror Pendant), (Rapier), (Scroll of Fate Fool, Choker), (Unusual Mushroom x 3, Note), (Ring Boots), (Ring Greaves, Chest of Food, Fist Dagger), (Tarbead), (Elemental Plate Legs, Silken Pants), (Forge Portal)
Level 10: Central Prison: 4 Secrets
Content: (Silk Hose, Machete), (Poison Arrows), (Pointy Shoes), (Hide Vest)
Level 13: The Waste Tunnels: 8 Secrets - Some only reachable from other floors
Content: (Shuriken, Lurker Boots), (Knife, Cave Nettles x 2) (Leather Boots), (Hand Axe), (Whitewood Wand, Tattered Cloak), (Miracle Potion), (Arcane Potion), (Bronze, Forge hint - Merin Only)
Level 14: Eastern Cells: 3 Secrets, 1 Forge Portal
Contents: (Scroll of Fireball, Frostbolt, Lightning), (Desert Pearl x 2, Note, Flask), (Arrow, Leather gloves, Leather Armor)
Level 15: Western Cells: 2 Secrets
Contents: (Pointy Shoes, Su'va), (Silken Shirt)
Level 16: Spell Forge: 2 Secrets
Contents: (Greater Mana Potion, Arcane Potion, Casters Brand), (Energy Potion, Forge Manual)

In order to help out those who are lost on how to use the spell forge (hopefully most of you have it figured out) I've made a quick video to demonstrate how it works
Version 1.1
-Fixed issue with door in the central prison not opening, now opens with key from the storage room.
-Changed timing on conversation text with Clave and Merin in party, the next line of text now appears after an interval to make it easier to read.
-added a limit to the number of leeches spawned by the trapped hallway in the eastern cells.
Version 1.2
-Fixed issue with Zimbers sack of Hoarding not holding ten items, despite inventory space appearing inside.
-Corrected spelling errors.
-Added various particle effects to items with "unique" properties.
-Fixed issue where Kaze no Katta would cause a crash when the player right clicked on the sword, instead of left clicking.
-Fixed issue where some players would have the last part of a conversation with Clave repeat in a loop
-Fixed pits in the shattered path that fell into "nothing" on the floor below.
-Added/Removed plague ghouls, now they spawn onto the floor as the player enters, should help with slowdown not to have to deal with their onMove hooks while the player is not on the same level.
-Added new high teir throwing weapon, Lodestones.
-Added spell forge recipe and clue for Lodestones.
-Changed the clue in the black and white room to make it clearer as what to do.
Version 1.31
-Reworked Various puzzles to make them more intuitive.
-Change the Iron door on level 4.
-Changed the Mine and Temple custom wallsets.
-Fixed an issue where the puzzle in the eastern prison store room could spawn infinite keys.
-Reworked the bolt of Agony spell, it now casts at under 80% health and damage ramps up below 50%, 25% and 10%
-Fixed an issue resulting from the changes to the Pain bolt that crashed the game when enemies attempted to cast the older and now non existent version (opps).
-Added new monsters
-Added a new mini boss on the warriors path in the Twin paths.
-Reworked and tweaked various side areas.
-Added wall signs and scrolls to speed the players chances of finding new prisoners as Evante.
-Added additional room and clue to access said room when playing special mode.
-Added sixth playable character when playing as the fifth character
-Added Binding .effect chance to Bleakwind axe.
-Added Chance to freeze target to Inquisitor.
-New intro images and card images made by Hermundure, Thanks a ton!
Version 1.32
-Fixed issue with some secrets not registering
-Fixed issue with extra reward items/treasures spawning
Version 1.33
-Fixed issue with reaching prisoner 6
-Fixed crashes resulting from prisoner 5 visiting some empty cells
-Fixed issue where masters riddle was unsolvable if a certain wrong answer was given
Oh yeah the source is also available on the Nexus, but considering what a chaotic mess both the assets and layout of the of the dungeon in editor are, I'll write up something that should tell you where everything is, for those who are interested.