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Lvl 3 rotating teleporters

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:19 am
by LordTataraus
I spent most of my time trying to figure this one out, but I'm too slow to squeeze past into the left side opening and rocks get teleported out. Am I missing something?

Re: Lvl 3 rotating teleporters

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:20 am
Currently trying to figure this one out too.

Re: Lvl 3 rotating teleporters

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:31 am
Got it.
When entering the teleports room, pick up the rock behind the fences in front of you. Then, take the right side opening, stand where the pic shows you, and throw the rock towards the other side, on the plate. It will close the pit standing between you and that sweet door.
R: Rock
T: Trap
P: Plate

Sorry, don't mind the template, I didn't bother cleaning it up.

Edit: I think you can figure out the rest, but if needed, I can make a nice, clean animated version of this.

Re: Lvl 3 rotating teleporters

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:56 am
by Skittlebrew
nvm, closer inspection of your map cleared things up.

Re: Lvl 3 rotating teleporters

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:52 am
by Salx
Totally still stuck, even with the hints.
I can get to the golden door, but can't open it.

but before that..
What about the first gate where the rotating teleporters are? Referring to the OP's original question.
Rocks on the 'other' plate in the corner just get teleported out, and the gate closes.

Re: Lvl 3 rotating teleporters

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:13 am
by killington
Salx wrote:Totally still stuck, even with the hints.
I can get to the golden door, but can't open it.

but before that..
What about the first gate where the rotating teleporters are? Referring to the OP's original question.
Rocks on the 'other' plate in the corner just get teleported out, and the gate closes.
Follow steps carefully:
Start before you walk into the 3x3 area with teleporters moving.
Walk up, Strafe Right, Walk up.
Turn left, throw rock from rogue and weave it inbetween teleporters. It will land on a plate which raises the middle trap door.
At this point, move yourself to the middle trap door, strafe right when you can, throw something onto the plate in front of you, strafe left, go through door quickly(before the teleporter grabs the thing you just threw).

Now you should be able to navigate this area pretty well. This is all by memory so hopefully it works.

Re: Lvl 3 rotating teleporters

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:10 pm
by PlanetNiles
Killington your solution just doesn't seem to work for me;
There just isn't enough time to dodge through the teleporters and place something on the second pad and then get through the portcullis before the contents of the pad are teleported away. In fact the portcullis doesn't even open all the way.
Edit: It's just a timing thing :oops:

Re: Lvl 3 rotating teleporters

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:25 am
by dbgager
First you need to go forward-right-forward-rotate left- throw rock, this will close the trap door with the pressure plate that cannot be seen to the left of the starting position. Then simply teleport back to start as the trap door will remain closed. Then go forward-right-forward-throw rock-left-forward, and you will be able to exit through the gate if you are quick enough. Make sure to always start just as the teleporter moves right past you, there are 3 spaces between the 2 teleporters.