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[MOD] Sanctuary of Gorgim
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:28 pm
by Duncan_B
Steam link
Nexus link.
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SANCTUARY OF GORGIM is a five floor, puzzle-light dungeon of adventure-horror intended for a first level party of four. With one character permanently diseased, escape the wrath of undead legions, battle giant spiders, and discover how one dungeon might really be two. What lurks beneath the prison of the Skeleton King that can strike fear into even his empty sternum?
Total XP value: 1st level characters expect to finish at 7th level. Grinding possible but unnecessary.
Spells: Grimrock standard.
Difficulty: Easy - Moderate.
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-At least one of your party will not be able to regenerate HP for the adventure-- choose wisely!
-In this adventure each weapon skill has only one each of the best item for its type. Therefore it is recommended to make characters with non-overlapping weapon skills.
-All best weapons are usable with a skill of 10 (except unarmed, which has no requirement).
-For this release, do not try making a mage with the Fist Fighter trait.
-Earth magic discouraged, as many enemies are undead and/or immune to poison.
-Strongly recommend mages entering with enough skill to cast at least one offensive spell.
Re: [MOD] Sanctuary of Gorgim
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 5:23 pm
by RMariano
Nice job..... thank you for a few hours of fun.

Re: [MOD] Sanctuary of Gorgim
Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:58 pm
by leewroy
I´ll try it soon

Re: [MOD] Sanctuary of Gorgim
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 1:10 pm
by Hokkou
Nice to see a new mod popping out even though the day LoG2 releases is coming closer! Nexus' homepage won't load for me, but as soon as it does I'll try this one out

Re: [MOD] Sanctuary of Gorgim
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:14 pm
by podbelski
well I've tried it and now I'm stuck
1. bug
1st level 1st room, you can place a torch into a torch nest that triggers poison and instantly flee from the trap. The wall closes, you are stuck since there is no more torch to open the pit.
2. 1st level
I could not find a way to explore the 1st level, and some rooms of the 2nd level seem to be accessible only by falling from above
3. level 4
I still miss 2 torches... one is left in the nest in the 1st room of the 1st level, another I've seen but could not reach is behind a fence of the 3rd level...
4. exact spots I can't access
any hints?
Re: [MOD] Sanctuary of Gorgim
Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:34 am
by Duncan_B
Thanks for playing! I've updated the game to version VII on Steam, will update the Nexus link momentarily
[edit: it should be updated now; please let me know if you have any trouble]. Aside from those mentioned below, I've made the following updates: a character's blood should not chill if they are dead; the release number now matches the Steam change notes.
I wonder if anybody has any input on the perceived difficulty of the dungeon... would you describe it as Easy/Moderate?
I will be away at a conference for almost all of the week starting March 17th. I plan on releasing another version perhaps the following week with an updated end credits section (with the addition of podbelski and possibly others, I have to redesign the room that features it-- with apologies for the wait).
podbelski wrote:well I've tried it and now I'm stuck
1. bug
1st level 1st room, you can place a torch into a torch nest that triggers poison and instantly flee from the trap. The wall closes, you are stuck since there is no more torch to open the pit.
Answer: This chamber is now a little longer, so you shouldn't be able to run out of it. If you can, let me know. My computer runs the game pretty slowly, but I think this should work regardless of computer speed.
2. 1st level
I could not find a way to explore the 1st level, and some rooms of the 2nd level seem to be accessible only by falling from above
Answer: You can't explore the 1st level until later. The "Light of Agony" hallway has two rooms accessible only from above, and the snail room has one.
3. level 4
I still miss 2 torches... one is left in the nest in the 1st room of the 1st level, another I've seen but could not reach is behind a fence of the 3rd level...
Answer: What is the nest to which you refer? The first room of the first level is a 1x2 cell with a book on an altar... the book is the only item you can take from it. Can you be more specific about the fence that you mean and how the torch has become unreachable behind it?
Answer Answer: The 2nd floor has 4 torches, the 3rd floor has 8
SUPER SPOILER Answer: (Contains location of all 12 torches)
Torch I... upon the altar at the spitting poison trap [two ways to it, but it's easy to miss since it is the only one not found blazing]
Torch II... in the "Who dares hope?" hallway
Torch III... in the snail room
Torch IV... in the spider room
Torch V... "the living have hope but thrice"
Torch VI... in the skeleton archer room
Torch VII... @ "It lives beneath-- run!" message
Torch VIII... behind a tentacle in the running room
Torch IX... after the running room
Torch X... hallway after 2nd crystal room (iron door locked by round key)
Torch XI... where a tentacle guards a key
Torch XII... "disturb if ye dare"...
4. exact spots I can't access
Answer: The rooms you have indicated are inaccessible by design; you're doing fine.

Re: [MOD] Sanctuary of Gorgim
Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 8:44 am
by podbelski
What is the nest to which you refer? The first room of the first level is a 1x2 cell with a book on an altar... the book is the only item you can take from it. Can you be more specific about the fence that you mean and how the torch has become unreachable behind it?
well, then I'm talking about the 2nd room of the 1st level

I simply mean the very 1st torch the player finds, I can't take it along with me b/c it's needed to open the pit, right?
The 2nd torch I'm talking about is on the 3rd floor behind the fence I marked on the screenshot, octopus is also there. For now, I haven't used your guide with exact torch locations.
I'm playing on Normal, and the dungeon difficulty feels like easy-to-moderate. Probably just fine
Re: [MOD] Sanctuary of Gorgim
Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:28 am
by Duncan_B
podbelski wrote:well, then I'm talking about the 2nd room of the 1st level

I simply mean the very 1st torch the player finds, I can't take it along with me b/c it's needed to open the pit, right?
Answer: That's true, but the very first torch is expected to stay in the cell; it is not needed to open the way to the sanctuary.
podbelski wrote:The 2nd torch I'm talking about is on the 3rd floor behind the fence I marked on the screenshot, octopus is also there.
Answer: If you mean the torch illuminating the stairway behind the impassable grating/wall with tentacles all up in your face... that is not a torch necessary for opening the way, either. That area is inaccessible.
If you need another hint:
All of the torches you need except one start out in a sconce, lit, and clearly visible.
Another another hint, if needed:
The exception is 1 torch openly visible laying atop something.
Re: [MOD] Sanctuary of Gorgim
Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 10:03 pm
by podbelski
Lv3, a room with a poison trap where you fall from above
1. once I fall I can't step aside and dodge the bolt, is it intended? Also, the floor in this spot has glitchy texture
2. there is a closed pit, how can I open it?
Re: [MOD] Sanctuary of Gorgim
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 7:04 pm
by podbelski
more notes:
A 'weird gem' - what is it for? On my 1st run I inserted it into a gargoyle head on the wall and got something in return, don't remember what exactly...
1st lvl, the room with 4 pits after the 'eureka' room, I fallen down into a room with a wall note 'RESTORE', and can't get out (see the screenshot). The only button does not help. There is anothe similar room nearby, same effect if you fall down to it.

same room with 4 pits, if you fall into a pit that is the closest to the entrance you end up in a room with a gear keyhole. Killing skeletons and activating the portal brings you back to the 'eureka' room, but the floor plates already stuck so you cannot open the door and finish the game