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Save backups, anyone do this?

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 9:07 pm
by alexkidd86
While playing the game, i noticed that its possible to get stuck in the game. For instance, i noticed that if im not careful and look around before clicking on the Save Crystal, i can get trapped by a monster or gang of monsters. So i made backups in the case something like this happened. Also if im stuck , i can just go back to a previous file. I maty get stuck cause i lost an item. Does anyone else do this?

Re: Save backups, anyone do this?

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 10:30 pm
by steyrhahn
I save before I go into every new area. probably every 10-20 moves or so. enough that I will have to delete old save files before I complete the dungeon.

I also save before I try any new switch or jump down a pit, or anything like that.

Re: Save backups, anyone do this?

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 3:58 am
by Gavener
i Save A lot

-New door
-New level
-Before and After i Rest
-Save by the crystals

etc. make more than 1 save file, right now i got 3 going Start of level - end of level - blue crystal