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First impressions

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:03 pm
by M.M
I play with default party. Difficulty: normal. Oldschool mode on :)

I am currently stuck on 2 level at teleport barrier puzzle near life stone witch hidden switch that seems to turn it off for a short while. No spoilers yet pls - but tell me please if you got stuck on it too, and for how long.
I am positivly suprised about combat. It is neither too difficult, nor too trivial. Being carefull i could defeat everyone. The reviewer who wrote that combat is stupid because of circling ("squaring") is dumb.

I am very dissapionted about my rogue. That chick is useless torch carrier. The knifes do so little damage, and there is no bow anywere to find ( i got 3 poison arrows). I ended up giving her leginair's spear for support, but she has no spear skil. (nobody has - pity for the most common weapon so far).
The first dream looked awesome. Am i traversing a huge computer?!!
The music is a bit too loud for my liking.

Overall, so far i got exactly what i have paid for. A solid 8/10. I am now going to bed, we will try more tomorow.

Whats your first impressions?

Re: First impressions

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:21 pm
by dark
This is the one thing about Games, and DnD in general that has always bothered me about weapon skills. Just because you don’t have a skill to use it does not mean that you can use it. all that means is that you are not very proficient with using said weapon.

Re: First impressions

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:25 pm
by Jams
on level 3 atm, you will kick yourself when you realise how you get past the bit your stuck on;)
With regards to the rogue, I made my front line more of an evasion/dagger spec, and shes doing well at the front line. My second rogue is in need of a bow :/

Re: First impressions

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:28 pm
by hopeless
So far so good only have a couple of hours to play as I get home late but am at end of level 1 and have to say very nice!

The music and sound effects are giving me chills!

Still all at 1st level my mage has two spell scrolls but discovered fireburst which is a bit short ranged and reminds me of burning hands except for he bit where the mage being at the back isn't doing damage to the front rank when he casts and i have to agree that legionairre skeleton is downright scary!

Looking forward to tomorrow night!!!

Cheers! :mrgreen:

Re: First impressions

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:30 pm
by Pandafox
Incredible !!!
When I play this game, I can find again the same feelings I had when I was playing dungeon master on my Atari ST !!!
It means it is a really really good game !!! :mrgreen:

PS : I turned off the music before starting to keep only sounds for a better feeling. But the intro music is very good.

Re: First impressions

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:31 pm
by Jams
oki, this is the first game thats made me jump in ages. Three times now. Kudos!

Re: First impressions

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:36 pm
by creocoder
It's really good. But playing at hard it not so hard, but ok, game is nice.

Re: First impressions

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:39 pm
by Patchumz
The loot system is sub-par. Takes forever to get the items you could possibly want. (Like a bow) And is usually hidden... So I'm not a massive fan of it, otherwise I'm liking it. (And the save system is annoying too... but eh, easier to fix than the loot system)

Re: First impressions

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:40 pm
by regomar
I'm playing on old school mode (no auto-map) and it's a bit rough, but I'm mostly done with level 2 with no real problems so far.

I really loved the one time so far that the walls shook and rumbled! Very rare effect freaked me out!

Re: First impressions

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:52 pm
by EtrianO

Guys, careful with these. Even knowing that there`s teleport on level xxx already messed me up a bit :/ Use the tags please , especially in these first days/weeks.

First impressions? Extremely positive - I`m an old cynic (skeptic, but hey) that is well known for seeking out holes in the whole, but this one has me stumped - I really expected to have at least few grievances - it`s a normal thing with any release - but so far got big fat nothing ;) Ok - I`m only on level 2, but already seen the combat & pouzzle mechanics, don`t expect much to change. This game is flawless at what it does - very, very impressive.

Ok - I can`t say I`m really happy with regenerating health, but I understand avoiding this would require lots of work, and this is an indie game after all. So won`t count it as a flaw here.

What I loved:
-absolutely flawless installation - not one hitch! This is truly the 1st time in PC gaming for me that I played a game straight after the install.
-most of the old school mechanics preserved
-no music or voiceovers - hooray for atmosphere!
-my 2GB Ram not a hindrance at all - was bit worried at 4GB recommended, but wit Vsync on and maxed detail the game flies at 1680x1050 (Q6660 & HD 4870 on XP)

when my cute shuriken & lil`knife went down the trap with a snail - I thought them gone. Then went down a level, killed some snail - and tehre they were! +100 for level continuity ;)