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[Patch] Exper.modder question:community made fixes possible?

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:25 pm
by badhabit
Hi LoG modding community,
as AH is now in full development mode for LoG2, they have no ressources left to produce fixes for LoG1 atm. I wonder since some time if maybe the modding community can use their gained skill and experience in the modding possiblities of the LoG engine, artwork and scripts to help AH in the support?

First question would be, what is really considered here a bug ? I was trying to collect the issues I had myself and I found in the reports in the forums and removed later what was fixed in updates... still, with last 1.3.7 patch, serveral issues are in the list. v1.3.7 Bug collection

Second, what is technical possible from this list to fix with the modding available possibilities and tools ? For instance,is the "secret door detection exploit by throwing" fixable by script adaptions or is this only fixable in the engine?

Third question is, what problems else exist? My list was created from the perspective as player only, I assume by modding several more issues might "come up" (like this getMouseItemBug), maybe we should collect them somewhere centrally (similar like General Dungeon Editor glitches and problems).

If some of this issues could be fixed, a kind of unofficial community patch could be created.... and maybe in some time when AH has more time it could be reviewed and used by AH for the creation of a official 1.3.8 patch.

So, dear community, whats are your thoughts here? :)

Re: [Patch] Exper.modder question:community made fixes possi

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:06 am
by JohnWordsworth
Unfortunately, apart from a couple of the 'bitty bugs' on that list it would be difficult to solve most of the problems without having access to the engine lua code or writing some kind of 'injector' to mess with the lua state in a very 'hacky' way. Assuming nobody fancies spending the time to rip up the engine (which probably breaks the EULA too, unless you are just doing something minor, like injecting a new DirectX DLL to enable anti-aliasing) then the minor problems that we can solve would have to just be scripts that we provide for use in custom dungeons - so it would be up to mod makers to implement the fixes and the end user couldn't add them to the game. If there are big problems, I expect that solutions will arise for mod-makers to use, but little game-play issues are probably best left to LOG2 to be fixed.

I might be missing something, and I hate to post a negative sounding answer - (especially as I love the idea), but I just can't think of a good way of doing this from the community.

Re: [Patch] Exper.modder question:community made fixes possi

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:59 pm
by msyblade
I wholeheartedly agree with Wordsy. The power we have can be implemented in mods, but not the base engine or game. But I do like the idea, also!

Re: [Patch] Exper.modder question:community made fixes possi

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:06 pm
by badhabit
He, we have a first bugfix contribution for the modding community: Bug Fix: Fully working entitiesAt and allEntities functions. thanks JohnWordsworth! :)
I assume, there are more clever fixes and workarounds possible ... bring them on (and 1 or 2 might be also of value for the players) ;)

by JohnWordsworth another fix for the magic casting restores food bar bug
script fix (at least for mods of the LOG1 engine usable)

By Komag a script fix for the outresting poison bug

Re: [Patch] Exper.modder question:community made fixes possi

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:27 pm
by badhabit
As I found out recently, Komag's truthful LOG1 remake with the editor & script capabilities fixed purposly severals LOG1 problems. From the release notes:

Code: Select all

(petri fixed a couple of these in v1.3.6)


- 0 added magic spell generic sound for enchanting arrows
- 1 added fall landing sound, health damage, and proper individual damage sounds depending on race/gender of champions
- 2 walk back puzzle, very tiny increase in time
- 2 moved sling a little to make it more visible
- 4 added extra "soundAt" for herder teleport sound, in the first room
- 4 changed Time and Tide chitin alcove secret activation (mask taken, not alcove empty)
- 4 rotated hint scroll after Menagerie to be on N side of square, consistent with other three scrolls around central teleporter
- 4 changed how lever works to turn back on teles (toggle) in main room after trap sprung
- 5 reduced "legs carry you here" plate to 6 deactivates (from 8)
- 6(5) Toorum "scroll" changed to a note (THIS WAS FIXED IN v1.3.6)
- 6 walkabout - original game doesn't click when going back to first plate, mine does
- 6 crystal dreamPlate - I "fixed" and added the missing dream, unlocked here
- 7 added ceiling shaft to light in N pits room
- 9 "removed" mistake extra pillar at end of pillared hallway
- 10(9) rock throw puzzle (basement of 9), I made it more real according to note instead of easy/fake original version
- 10 S of inner sanctum, fixed red gem alcove door behavior (THIS WAS FIXED IN v1.3.6)
- 10 added ceiling shaft to lights in sanctum
- 11 added rock, in case needed for tomb W (THIS WAS FIXED IN v1.3.6)
- 11 added ceiling shaft to light in tomb E
- 11 fixed burnt torch problem (now allowed)
- 13 spread out armor in supply room
- 12,14 DREAM and CUBE changes are not so much design choices as they are editor constraints.
While the LOG2 engine will have several bugs fixed, there seems to be no plans by AH to port LOG1 to the LOG2 engine for bug fixing purposes. This statement indicates that LOG1 scripts are more or less compatible with LOG2 so maybe Komag's remake can be ported as bugfix solution to the LOG2 engine by the community with minimal hassle.

We will see on release of LOG2. :)