This is the forum for helping you out if you're stuck or if you want to discuss the nitty gritty details of the dungeons within Mount Grimrock. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
Stalkingwolf wrote:i think there are too many secrets in the first three levels.
i mean, if there is a secret every third corner, you can not call them secrets
I found (what i feel like is)every secret in the first 3 levels(all I've done so far) using old-school mode (and mapping by hand), and its satisfying to find them. I'm glad theres not only 1 per level or something like that.
I found it, because I'm the god damn Secret Hunter. I only found two secrets yet, and one of them was obligatory to proceed. So I don't know what the poster above me is talking about, I am sure I didn't miss anything and I haven't had secrets in the past 4 halls.