[MOD - Released] "The Missing Heir"
Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 7:02 pm
-------- update----------
I've decided it's time to put this out there, for better or worse.
Hopefully got it right. For some reason all my quotes and apostrophes in the description have a backslash in front of them. Probably because I copy pasted from notepad. If someone could try to download and check if the files are okay I would appreciate it. Should have a zip file with the .dat and a readme.
Up on steam now.
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... earchtext=
Not sure what happened with my profile but the game doesn't show up as Ryeath Greystalk, but royandanna which is part of our email. Weird.
Bugs found since release:
On level 3 in the hallwayway with the two pits and bomb alcove if a player drops into the first pit they will not be able to get back and need to revert to a saved game to continue. Thanks to tehxborgenator over at the steam forums for finding this bug. Status: Fixed in Version2.
On level 2 in the containment cells if a player leaves the area then returns later to do the secret area the scripted unconscious player would not revive upon leaving the area. Fixed in Version3.
In the main battle at the end at least on player reported a bug in the 4th stage of the fight. After much review it is believed the player was able to kill the main boss at the end of stage 3 causing the stage four bug (game looking for an entity mainboss that was no longer in existence). All hail the might Marble Mouth who warned me this might happen. Believed to be fixed in Version3.
Secrets list.
---------end update---------
Hello fellow modders. After what seems like an eternity I think my dungeon is ready for a tester. This is my first ever attempt at modding anything, but I am a bit detail oriented so even though it may not be a professional mod, hopefully it won't look completely amaturish either.
First I must say during this process I have developed an extreme amount of respect for anyone that does this stuff for a living. It is a lot more work than it appears.
edit -- put stuff in spoilers to conserve space. List of changes / bug fixes at end of this post.
A bit about the mod.
Mostly stock editor stuff except following custom stuff:
Things I would like a tester to look for:
Credits & Thanks.
Thanks to everyone here for their help and support. Hopefully a tester will say it's ready for release soon.
Bug fixes and modifications.
Thanks to Drakken for catching the following bugs.
-- When a character was unconscious if the player was moved to another party slot they would not revive. - Fixed. (If the other testers read this don't swap the characters while unconscious.)
-- On level five where the player needs to solve a puzzle to get a staff, the player could just reach through the grate and pick up the staff, in effect skipping the whole room. - Fixed.
-- The very last pressure plate in the game would repeat the dialog. - Fixed
-- Changed a few locks to be more easily identified when holding multiple keys.
-- Balanced the food and alchemy components so more available at later stages
-- Added more throwing weapons, including two new ones, the Armor Piercing Throwing Knive and the Woodsman Hatchet.
Thanks to Isaac for the following.
-- Also caught the "player won't revive when moved bug" - Fixed.
-- Noted some cosmetic issues with spider webs. - Fixed
-- Found an exploit with a puzzle that could give a large bomb supply. - Fixed
-- Changed bomb alcoves to supply bombs even if other items are in alcove. -Fixed
-- Found an area where the party could hide from a mini boss fight and rest. - Fixed
-- Found an area where a remant blocker from a earlier room layout could give the party an advantage in battle. - Fixed
-- Since players attention may be elsewhere when text starts - added "discover_spell" sound to announce when new text is appearing(except a few spots where it is obvious).
-- Found one area where it was unintentially impossible to back track from. Fixed
-- Modified controls on dragon statue puzzle to make them easier to understand.
Thanks to Mal85
-- Pointing out the possibility that a scripted unconscious rendering could be mistaken as a monster attack rendering. Slightly changed room layout so player can't leave until script is played out. - Fixed.
-- Found one timer not deactivating itself allowing one player on level 2 to revive faster than they sould. - Fixed.
Thanks to leewroy
-- Found the staff reach through exploit also.
-- Found two pits on level 7 that fell through to void space below. - Fixed
-- Found the credit screen was cut off after adding the play testers. - Fixed.
I've decided it's time to put this out there, for better or worse.
Hopefully got it right. For some reason all my quotes and apostrophes in the description have a backslash in front of them. Probably because I copy pasted from notepad. If someone could try to download and check if the files are okay I would appreciate it. Should have a zip file with the .dat and a readme.
Up on steam now.
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... earchtext=
Not sure what happened with my profile but the game doesn't show up as Ryeath Greystalk, but royandanna which is part of our email. Weird.
Bugs found since release:
On level 3 in the hallwayway with the two pits and bomb alcove if a player drops into the first pit they will not be able to get back and need to revert to a saved game to continue. Thanks to tehxborgenator over at the steam forums for finding this bug. Status: Fixed in Version2.
On level 2 in the containment cells if a player leaves the area then returns later to do the secret area the scripted unconscious player would not revive upon leaving the area. Fixed in Version3.
In the main battle at the end at least on player reported a bug in the 4th stage of the fight. After much review it is believed the player was able to kill the main boss at the end of stage 3 causing the stage four bug (game looking for an entity mainboss that was no longer in existence). All hail the might Marble Mouth who warned me this might happen. Believed to be fixed in Version3.
Secrets list.
Level 1 - Last room before stairs down, in dead end hallway past barrels, secret wall button above sack.
Level 2 - In crowern cages, secret wall button on wall where you step off plate after crossing.
Level 2 - In moving wall maze - after entering go right til blocked, then left and left again until near space by portal (with note on floor), repeat path and a wall is now open. Clue is in wall text at entry "when footsteps you repeat", also snail in that square to draw you in that direction.
Level 2 - In moving wall maze - third portal you can access will take you to secret area. first two take you back to start to make you want to skip the third.
Level 2 - In containment cells - the archer near the alcove with the gold key points the way to the secret wall, after taking key put something else in alcove. Clue is in wall text as you enter.
Level 2 - Library - Taking "Steeprock Blueprints" scroll out of alcove in home improvement section will open secret door.
Level 2 - Library - Taking scroll out of alcove in fiction section (area with only one alcove in it) will open secret wall, in that room is a secret wall button.
Level 3 - In hallway near beginning a dead end area with sack on floor will open up after player pushes wall button after pits. A light will activate as a clue.
Level 3 - In hallway after the "corpse maze" (with crowerns and 5 keys) a wall button opens a room.
Level 4 - Portal maze near exit - While going through a wall button will deactivate one of the portals exposing a hidden path. Will need to go back to beginning of maze to enter after pressing button.
Level 4 - Gauntlet of fire - After completing but before stepping into hallway the fireballs will stop. walk back into gauntlet to find a secret alcove. If you go out into hall a portcullis will drop and you will need to redo the gauntlet. Clue is in note in library secret area.
Level 4 - Walking path - secret wall button. You can get to the secret without messing up your path also.
Level 4 (2 secrets)- Scavenger room - in the room with two cages with scavengers where you need to press a button in each room to access the altar portal, pressing both buttons will open a secret in each room.
Level 4 - Walk a crooked mile room - wall button that opens the portcullis will open secret wall. Pass to the right of the center square to access room
Level 5 - Crossing challenge - Picking up the dagger opens a hallway leading to a secret area. wall button opens access to crossing area and secret room.
Level 5 - Ogre Cages - secret button in last ogre cage
Level 5 - Menagerie - secret button in crab cage
Level 5 - Dragon Puzzle - secret button on column in cage
Level 6 -
Level 7 - Room with Axe on altar - northeast corner of room has secret wall button
Level 8 (6 secrets) - each of the 6 libraries has a secret in it that opens when both stones are removed. Bookshelf alcoves must stay empty or secret will close.
Level 2 - In crowern cages, secret wall button on wall where you step off plate after crossing.
Level 2 - In moving wall maze - after entering go right til blocked, then left and left again until near space by portal (with note on floor), repeat path and a wall is now open. Clue is in wall text at entry "when footsteps you repeat", also snail in that square to draw you in that direction.
Level 2 - In moving wall maze - third portal you can access will take you to secret area. first two take you back to start to make you want to skip the third.
Level 2 - In containment cells - the archer near the alcove with the gold key points the way to the secret wall, after taking key put something else in alcove. Clue is in wall text as you enter.
Level 2 - Library - Taking "Steeprock Blueprints" scroll out of alcove in home improvement section will open secret door.
Level 2 - Library - Taking scroll out of alcove in fiction section (area with only one alcove in it) will open secret wall, in that room is a secret wall button.
Level 3 - In hallway near beginning a dead end area with sack on floor will open up after player pushes wall button after pits. A light will activate as a clue.
Level 3 - In hallway after the "corpse maze" (with crowerns and 5 keys) a wall button opens a room.
Level 4 - Portal maze near exit - While going through a wall button will deactivate one of the portals exposing a hidden path. Will need to go back to beginning of maze to enter after pressing button.
Level 4 - Gauntlet of fire - After completing but before stepping into hallway the fireballs will stop. walk back into gauntlet to find a secret alcove. If you go out into hall a portcullis will drop and you will need to redo the gauntlet. Clue is in note in library secret area.
Level 4 - Walking path - secret wall button. You can get to the secret without messing up your path also.
Level 4 (2 secrets)- Scavenger room - in the room with two cages with scavengers where you need to press a button in each room to access the altar portal, pressing both buttons will open a secret in each room.
Level 4 - Walk a crooked mile room - wall button that opens the portcullis will open secret wall. Pass to the right of the center square to access room
Level 5 - Crossing challenge - Picking up the dagger opens a hallway leading to a secret area. wall button opens access to crossing area and secret room.
Level 5 - Ogre Cages - secret button in last ogre cage
Level 5 - Menagerie - secret button in crab cage
Level 5 - Dragon Puzzle - secret button on column in cage
Level 6 -
Level 7 - Room with Axe on altar - northeast corner of room has secret wall button
Level 8 (6 secrets) - each of the 6 libraries has a secret in it that opens when both stones are removed. Bookshelf alcoves must stay empty or secret will close.
Hello fellow modders. After what seems like an eternity I think my dungeon is ready for a tester. This is my first ever attempt at modding anything, but I am a bit detail oriented so even though it may not be a professional mod, hopefully it won't look completely amaturish either.
First I must say during this process I have developed an extreme amount of respect for anyone that does this stuff for a living. It is a lot more work than it appears.
edit -- put stuff in spoilers to conserve space. List of changes / bug fixes at end of this post.
A bit about the mod.
> 9 levels. 26 secrets. 35 notes.
> Aimed for a begining party. The party will be around level 11 when done (I had one character level 12).
> Took me 7 hours to complete, that's with knowing where everything is and what surprises to watch out for, and on the hard (middle) setting. would estimate play time between 6 - 8 hours based on my time.
> Definitely easier than the original, lots of fighting, a few puzzles but nothing difficult, lot of food. Probably the only mod where the party will need to sign up for weight watchers afterwards.
> Note: Party must have 4 players. Does not support Toruum(sp?) Mode. Create the party however you want, just have four as all members have speaking roles.
> Players do not die in this mod, they become unconscious for a short period before reviving with a small amount of health. Thus no healing crystals needed.
> This mod is heavy on the story element with multiple story lines that eventually tie together into one epic saga. At least 45 minutes worth of hudPrints (in small chucks of course).
> A multi-stage boss fight.
> In the spirit of fair play I must mention there are no torch puzzles (I do not like torch puzzles) and nothing hidden behind the gobelins (only because I didn't know they could be torn till part way through and decided for consistency not to change half way through)
> Aimed for a begining party. The party will be around level 11 when done (I had one character level 12).
> Took me 7 hours to complete, that's with knowing where everything is and what surprises to watch out for, and on the hard (middle) setting. would estimate play time between 6 - 8 hours based on my time.
> Definitely easier than the original, lots of fighting, a few puzzles but nothing difficult, lot of food. Probably the only mod where the party will need to sign up for weight watchers afterwards.
> Note: Party must have 4 players. Does not support Toruum(sp?) Mode. Create the party however you want, just have four as all members have speaking roles.
> Players do not die in this mod, they become unconscious for a short period before reviving with a small amount of health. Thus no healing crystals needed.
> This mod is heavy on the story element with multiple story lines that eventually tie together into one epic saga. At least 45 minutes worth of hudPrints (in small chucks of course).
> A multi-stage boss fight.
> In the spirit of fair play I must mention there are no torch puzzles (I do not like torch puzzles) and nothing hidden behind the gobelins (only because I didn't know they could be torn till part way through and decided for consistency not to change half way through)
> Custom monsters by Leki.
--->Skeleton Warrior w/ Sword
>Custom monster by Kuningas.
>Custom Assets by phitt.
--->Cozy Dungeon
>Custom Assets by germanny
--->LOG Desk
> Modified items by me (same item icon, different specs)
> Modified monster specs by me (same images)
--->Skeleton Warrior w/ Sword
>Custom monster by Kuningas.
>Custom Assets by phitt.
--->Cozy Dungeon
>Custom Assets by germanny
--->LOG Desk
> Modified items by me (same item icon, different specs)
> Modified monster specs by me (same images)
Anything game breaking of course.
Is the unconscious period too long or too short.
Spelling, Grammatical Errors. Gender errors (Does the character say she when speaking about a male etc)
Story inconsistencies.
Secrets to hard or easy to find.
Puzzles to hard or easy (only a few in the game).
Overall enjoyment level.
Anything else pertinent i.e. graphic issues, clipping, flickers etc.
Is the unconscious period too long or too short.
Spelling, Grammatical Errors. Gender errors (Does the character say she when speaking about a male etc)
Story inconsistencies.
Secrets to hard or easy to find.
Puzzles to hard or easy (only a few in the game).
Overall enjoyment level.
Anything else pertinent i.e. graphic issues, clipping, flickers etc.
Special thanks to those who gave me direct help and inspiration
through the Grimrock Modding Forum.
Komag - Thanks for the endless scripting help.
Marble Mouth - Whose teachings on LUA tables greatly aided my mod.
Xanathar - For teaching me what a periodic number is.
John Wordsworth
Dr. Disaster
Special thanks for those that answered my desparate plea for encouragement
when I realized I wasn't going to make the greatest thing since
individually wrapped cheese slices.
(grimfan, Neikun, odinsballs, mahric, skuggsasveinn, diarmuid and msyblade)
Thanks to play testers
Many thanks to everyone at the Grimrock Forums. Be assured that
even if someone is not mentioned by name, if they posted anything
in the modding section I probably learned from it.
through the Grimrock Modding Forum.
Komag - Thanks for the endless scripting help.
Marble Mouth - Whose teachings on LUA tables greatly aided my mod.
Xanathar - For teaching me what a periodic number is.
John Wordsworth
Dr. Disaster
Special thanks for those that answered my desparate plea for encouragement
when I realized I wasn't going to make the greatest thing since
individually wrapped cheese slices.
(grimfan, Neikun, odinsballs, mahric, skuggsasveinn, diarmuid and msyblade)
Thanks to play testers
Many thanks to everyone at the Grimrock Forums. Be assured that
even if someone is not mentioned by name, if they posted anything
in the modding section I probably learned from it.
Bug fixes and modifications.
Thanks to Drakken for catching the following bugs.
-- When a character was unconscious if the player was moved to another party slot they would not revive. - Fixed. (If the other testers read this don't swap the characters while unconscious.)
-- On level five where the player needs to solve a puzzle to get a staff, the player could just reach through the grate and pick up the staff, in effect skipping the whole room. - Fixed.
-- The very last pressure plate in the game would repeat the dialog. - Fixed
-- Changed a few locks to be more easily identified when holding multiple keys.
-- Balanced the food and alchemy components so more available at later stages
-- Added more throwing weapons, including two new ones, the Armor Piercing Throwing Knive and the Woodsman Hatchet.
Thanks to Isaac for the following.
-- Also caught the "player won't revive when moved bug" - Fixed.
-- Noted some cosmetic issues with spider webs. - Fixed
-- Found an exploit with a puzzle that could give a large bomb supply. - Fixed
-- Changed bomb alcoves to supply bombs even if other items are in alcove. -Fixed
-- Found an area where the party could hide from a mini boss fight and rest. - Fixed
-- Found an area where a remant blocker from a earlier room layout could give the party an advantage in battle. - Fixed
-- Since players attention may be elsewhere when text starts - added "discover_spell" sound to announce when new text is appearing(except a few spots where it is obvious).
-- Found one area where it was unintentially impossible to back track from. Fixed
-- Modified controls on dragon statue puzzle to make them easier to understand.
Thanks to Mal85
-- Pointing out the possibility that a scripted unconscious rendering could be mistaken as a monster attack rendering. Slightly changed room layout so player can't leave until script is played out. - Fixed.
-- Found one timer not deactivating itself allowing one player on level 2 to revive faster than they sould. - Fixed.
Thanks to leewroy
-- Found the staff reach through exploit also.
-- Found two pits on level 7 that fell through to void space below. - Fixed
-- Found the credit screen was cut off after adding the play testers. - Fixed.