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VIDEOS! Master Quest, Paths of the Earth etc!
Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 1:13 am
by LocalFire
Just Cleaning up this thread to make the videos easier to find
Paths of the earth :Video Guide: ... oG&index=1
A helpful guide to the secrets and puzzles of my own dungeon
Beneath the sands :Video Guide: ... 13&index=1
Another Guide this time for the dungeon Beneath the sands
Quest for Mastery: Grimrock Master Quest: ... tuliQdIe9N
watch me stumble about Komags masterpiece!
Prison Ward: Lets Play: ... YcnX6HCImo
A new lets play, this one for the excellent Prison ward.
Other Videos:
Prisoner of Bleakhall Teaser: : A teaser for my upcoming dungeon
The Characterizer: : A quick mod to help ease the making of non-standard parties
Re: VIDEOS! Master Quest, Paths of the Earth etc!
Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 6:29 am
by LocalFire
Re: VIDEOS! Master Quest, Paths of the Earth etc!
Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 10:21 am
by Dr.Disaster
These were my reactions when watching this video:

for "ah he's driving a single none-Toorum character, will be fun to watch"

for "wow that pit can be a killer!"

for "heh he's already missing out stuff by not looking at stuff"
4) from


to Zzzzzz upon 1st level up and i stopped watching there.
Pitting a single lvl 1 rogue vs MQ can be a LOT of fun but when he comes in with the skills of a lvl 15 it's rather boring. Reason is that starting and playing MQ with a lvl 1 or a lvl 15 are completely different experiences because of this mod's scaling. So regarding your self-asked question from the video: no matter what you call creating a custom character in this case it really does spoil the fun.
Re: VIDEOS! Master Quest, Paths of the Earth etc!
Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 11:27 am
by LocalFire
Good feedback, I went with that so I wouldn't have to grind it out, but hey if it makes for dull watching then its not so good.
I can fix that by running a new single rogue up to the point where I'm currently at (start of the archives), it shouldn't take too long and I can resume with that character from there
Re: VIDEOS! Master Quest, Paths of the Earth etc!
Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 12:12 pm
by Komag
I understand where you're coming from Dr.Disaster, but in this case I would actually have to disagree about the over-powered character and just say that it makes this play through a very different flavor, more like a speed run or something, and things will get more challenging in later levels regardless.
So I think I would like to see this continued as-is
The only advice I MUST give you LocalFire is that you stop ignoring the spell scrolls - they WILL help you

You might want to go back and get the ones you skipped already

As for missing the other stuff, oh well, part of the "speed run" concept that's okay with me, and that speed run flavor is probably what will really differentiate your playthrough from perhaps some of the others that may follow
(There is a german fellow doing a playthrough right now, but there isn't any other english one except one that got through the first couple levels and quit because he just didn't know how to play and constantly had a hard time with the simplest things)
Re: VIDEOS! Master Quest, Paths of the Earth etc!
Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 1:05 pm
by LocalFire
Good to hear that, I just ran up to lvl 4 with a single rogue no skills and while quite doable it was a real grind, with skeletons taking 0-7 damage (the iron door area on level 2 took quite awhile).
Thanks for the tip on the scrolls I'll go back and find them (I just hope I remember where they are)
I'm happy to do it speed run style since I wasn't really enjoying the grind
Re: VIDEOS! Master Quest, Paths of the Earth etc!
Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 2:29 pm
by Dr.Disaster
LocalFire wrote:Good to haer that, I just ran up to lvl 4 with a single rogue no skills and while quite doable it was a real grind, with skeletons taking 0-7 damage (the iron door area on level 2 took quite awhile).
Thanks for the tip on the scrolls I'll go back and find them (I just hope I remeber where they are)
I'm happy to do it speed run style since I wasn't really enjoying the grind
Well the alternate (and a quite simple too) would be to grab your freshly singled out rogue without the skill mods, toss him into the "Wisdomizer" mod, level him to 15 there, distribute all the points to your desire and then set off into MQ as a lvl 15. This way you can skip the regular start-up grind while it keeps fighting entertaining due to MQ's scaling from the very first snail onward.
Re: VIDEOS! Master Quest, Paths of the Earth etc!
Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 2:34 pm
by LocalFire
An excellent idea! I've since moved down into the depths quite quickly (currently at the maze of shadows), but a wisdomized character may be worth a shot.
Re: VIDEOS! Master Quest, Paths of the Earth etc!
Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 4:05 pm
by Komag
LocalFire wrote:I've since moved down into the depths quite quickly (currently at the maze of shadows)
Wow, that's fast progress, look forward to the vids!

Re: VIDEOS! Master Quest, Paths of the Earth etc!
Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 4:04 am
by LocalFire
New videos going up, see above