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[Source] Flooded Dungeon

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:37 pm
by Skuggasveinn
Hi just wanted to but this into its own thread, since this is a "release" of short.

After reading AmiDARK's thread on partially flooded dungeon (viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4369) I started to think about water (again) since thats something I need for the forest tileset, the end result is here, you can grap the source files on Nexus.

you should check this out in action on YouTube ...
and as always, feel free to use this in your mods, use the sounds and breakable walls also as you see fit.


Re: [Source] Flooded Dungeon

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:42 pm
by LordYig
Terrific and nicely done !

Maybe it could be improved a bit...
But it is totally usable as it is !
Great !

Re: [Source] Flooded Dungeon

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 12:08 am
by Neikun
Thank you so much, Skugg!

Re: [Source] Flooded Dungeon

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 12:22 am
by Skuggasveinn
LordYig wrote:Maybe it could be improved a bit..
most definitely it can be improved, this was more of a proof of concept thing.
From the top of my head I think that we can improve this with on party move hooks that will play "splashing" sound as you walk through the water.
We can also make invisible pressure plate under the waterfall that will display effects like the party (camera) is getting wet.
The water plane can be excluded from the effect and made into a "door" so that it can be triggered to rise or drain out.

just have in mind that particles can be costly on performance.


Re: [Source] Flooded Dungeon

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 12:59 am
by flatline
How did you do the "solid water"? Is it a particle effect? I tried several variants earlier but I couldn't get it right.

Re: [Source] Flooded Dungeon

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:05 am
by AmiDARK
Skuggasveinn, you're great :)

I'm not really a coder ... so I may not be able to achieve the idea, that's why I posted hoping for someone skilled (like you) to do it.
Thank you for your water system :)


Re: [Source] Flooded Dungeon

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:19 am
by Skuggasveinn
flatline wrote:How did you do the "solid water"? Is it a particle effect? I tried several variants earlier but I couldn't get it right.
The "water plane" is a model, its not particle. The model is just a flat plane the size of a floor squere with texture applied to it, the trick is on the alpha channel of the material (if you load the model into GMT you can't even see it). It has an interpolated alpha channel, you can check the normal map of the texture in photoshop or gimp to see whats going on, unlike 1bit alpha where you have transparency or not, interpolated alpha gives you the ability to make things semi transparent.

I have even more ideas for the use of this water.
If you load the sx_flooded.model into GMT and lower it under the floor plane and save it out as an sx_flooded_stairs.model you can create an object that makes the stairs seem flooded. (just remember to give out a new particle effect where you have lowered the particles also)
you can then use an invisible blokker to prevent the party to go down, have a puzzle that you need to solve in order to "drain" the floor below, then you destroy the blokker and the water making is seem that lower level has been drained of water.

you can also reskin the walls and tune up the specular map so that the walls seem to be all wet, blur out the moss so it gives of the illusion that the whole area was just under water a minute ago
That way you don't have to have the level with knee deep water all over the place and save up a ton of CPU since there are no particles flying around, and you will not break the immersion of the player.


Re: [Source] Flooded Dungeon

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:21 am
by flatline
Can any kind of shader be applied to the water surface? (Distorting the view of the floor)

Re: [Source] Flooded Dungeon

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:22 am
by Soaponarope
Excellent stuff as always Skugga!

Re: [Source] Flooded Dungeon

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:29 am
by Skuggasveinn
flatline wrote:Can any kind of shader be applied to the water surface? (Distorting the view of the floor)
Shaders seem to be hardcoded with materials, some materials (like the healing crystal) will have shaders no matter what you apply it on, but we don't seem to have the ability to sign shaders to our own materials :( (in the very least, I haven't figured it out)
