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Lockpicks are a GO! (soon)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 12:02 am
by Isaac
I've been working out a way to add lock picking to my mod, and I now have one method that's working pretty well at the moment; (though it's subject to change from tweaking and possible engine update in the near future).

Here is a brief clip of it in action:

For interested modders, here a zip file of the base 3D model and UI Icon for my custom lock pick object. This is not a link to my [unfinished] Lockpick mod, it is just the model and texture assets for anyone wanting assets to use in a lock pick mod of their own.

Here: ... UVlZ3M1S00
Or on the Nexus:

Re: Lockpicks are a GO! (soon)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 12:17 am
by 3socks
That's great! I like the idea. However, it seems really powerfull now, wouldn't be better to increase the break probability or to base it on dexterity as well?

Re: Lockpicks are a GO! (soon)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 12:23 am
by crisman
Interesting stuff! I was wondering if you are going to add a 'difficulty' for each lock, based on the aspect of the lock itself.
Something like: iron lock - very easy
ornate lock - medium
gold lock - nearly impossible.
but maybe this idea it's not necessary at all for EOB - I think.

Re: Lockpicks are a GO! (soon)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 12:35 am
by Isaac
3socks wrote:That's great! I like the idea. However, it seems really powerfull now, wouldn't be better to increase the break probability or to base it on dexterity as well?
crisman wrote:Interesting stuff! I was wondering if you are going to add a 'difficulty' for each lock, based on the aspect of the lock itself.
Something like: iron lock - very easy
ornate lock - medium
gold lock - nearly impossible.
Nothing is balanced just yet, I'm just happy it works ~for the moment.

HaunterV asked about DC as well, and I have two easy methods that could be used to add DC to a lock when placing or editing them. The DC could be used as a +/- bonus to the skill roll, and this would work very nicely with the system I have in place. Currently the pick can break in 4% of failed attempts (not all attempts, just the failing ones); they also break for 'critical failures', where the difference between Dexterity and the roll is more that 39... the DC in place, could change the 39 to a higher or lower number depending on the difficulty. Harder locks would break picks easier. DC could also alter the apparent Dexterity score ~making failure far more likely; (this is sort of the same as the first one though).
(And maybe the DC could change the 4% breakage as well, but I dunno yet.)

I plan to try these out, and see what works best ~while still being fun.
but maybe this idea it's not necessary at all for EOB - I think.
Last night I was able to click locks with the pick [in Eye of the Beholder], about 25 times without breaking the pick. So since I plan to only place picks where they existed. For that version of the Lockpick mod, I will leave the breakage rather low.

Re: Lockpicks are a GO! (soon)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:59 am
by Neikun
Very nicely done, Isaac!

Re: Lockpicks are a GO! (soon)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:14 am
by LordYig
This is really nice Isaac ! I like it.

I don't know what you are planning for the EOB mod, I mean between beeing respectful to the original game or adding some nice ideas to it. But here are some of my ideas to improve this a bit.
  • Make different lockpicks, some more harder to brake than others.
    Maybe some with bonus on certain type of locks.
  • Tweak the success rate with the rogue level as well as the dexterity.
    So that more experienced characters have higher success rates and lesser chance of breaking the picks.
And I also like the idea of having different difficulty levels with each lock type.

Anyway this is looking good so far !

Re: Lockpicks are a GO! (soon)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 8:46 am
by cromcrom
Just to let you know, there is a lockpick system in The Lost continent you might want to look at. 6 different LP qualities (for the partly random crafting system), different locks difficulties, based on Dext, rogue level, and a "lockpicking" custom skill. Evry time, chance to break the lockpick or not and / or open the door.

Based on hidden pressure plate. I never had words it was buggy, so it should wbe working pretty well. TLC ressource is available, check the thread.

Re: Lockpicks are a GO! (soon)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:43 pm
by J. Trudel
Great ! It seems to be a very fun system. Just an idea, different lock picks tool set to open different kind of lock would be great. It would also be easy this way to add a required skill level for the use of the tool set (assassination skill come to mind). This way, some rogues are just not skilled enough for some locks.