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[MOD] Dual wielding

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 3:34 pm
by J. Trudel
Here is a simple method that allow dual wielding in Grimrock. It's a different approach to what most are used to but it works very fine. The idea is to create a low power but very fast weapon that is intended to be used in the off-hand. When you think about it it totally make sense, no one would be able to dual wield (efficiently) two flails because they are slow and heavy. However The parrying dagger would make a very good weapon. See my example below and test it to see if you like it. You can use this method to create a whole arsenal of off-hand weaponry. Don't forget that in real-life off hand weapons are usually small and less powerfull than the main weapon. But they are usually used to defend as well, that's why there is an evasion bonus to it.
name = "off_hand_dagger",
baseObject = "dagger",
uiName = "Off-hand Dagger",
attackPower = 5,
evasion = 5,
description = "This light dagger is ideal to dual weild",
coolDownTime = 0.8,

Edit : You have to test it to see it working, try attacking with your off hand, and right after you can attack with your main. Also I can't get the evasion bonus to show on the character sheet, anyone has a clue on this ?

Re: [MOD] Dual wielding

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 5:46 pm
by Komag
Ooo, I really like that idea, and if it's a somewhat weak weapon it can maintain balance because you give up a shield or whatever

Re: [MOD] Dual wielding

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 11:26 pm
by msyblade
Hmmm, whaddya think about not attacking with it, but an active parry? Like .7 sec evasion bonus if timed correctly?

Re: [MOD] Dual wielding

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:20 am
by Ixnatifual
msyblade wrote:Hmmm, whaddya think about not attacking with it, but an active parry? Like .7 sec evasion bonus if timed correctly?
But there's no way to tell who the monster is attacking, so you won't know whether you should parry or not. Or whom you should parry with.

Re: [MOD] Dual wielding

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:25 am
by msyblade
This is true. And there is no way to rationalize a "global parry" with one character.

Re: [MOD] Dual wielding

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 6:37 am
by J. Trudel
Well, it already does have a evasion bonus. Lower than most shield but still good, but you may as well attack with it for a less powerfull quick attack that leave your main weapon ready for a powerfull blow. Doesn't sound hafl bad I think.

Re: [MOD] Dual wielding

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:50 am
by Neikun
Can weapons have an evasion bonus?
They cannot. D: -tested.

Re: [MOD] Dual wielding

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:55 pm
by Kuningas
I was fighting with a dual-wielding system at one point myself, but gave up. You have a different approach, I like it as well.

My idea was that when the champion equips two daggers, they both turn into faster dual-wield daggers (identical to regular but faster), but I couldn't make it work as intended. First of all they changed only after you attacked with them once (so the first cooldown was regular), and I also found no plausible way of switching them back so the player can't remove the "virtual" dualwielding dagger into their inventory.

If weapons in the offhand could convey bonuses this'd be a piece of cake.

Re: [MOD] Dual wielding

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 6:13 pm
by J. Trudel
Neikun wrote:Can weapons have an evasion bonus?
They cannot. D: -tested.
Too bad, it shows in the weapon description. Maybe if I design them as shield ? Do shield have attack power and speed?

Edit : didn't say anything, i actually tought we could attack with shield but that they losed their evasion bonus in the cool down... would have been cool... however they can't maybe i just dreamed that.

Re: [MOD] Dual wielding

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 6:43 pm
by msyblade
hmmm, this stuff is giving me an idea for an armstrap buckler that doesn't take away the offhand spot so you can say, carry a torch also. small evasion/protection bonus, attacks are treated as unarmed if empty handed.Not sure how to go about it, probably end up having to just make it for the gauntlet/bracers spot. Ewps, tend to ramble aimlessly, sorry!