Translucent and fullbright.

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Translucent and fullbright.

Post by Wolfen »

So I am making textures and I noticed when using translucent the textures always seem to be fullbright in the distance. Not being affected by the distance or lack of light anywhere. Is there any way around this that I am missing? I tried various settings of the materials from glossiness, alphatest, etc. Or... am I just stuck with always full bright?

Thanks! Everyone here is always pretty helpful. I appreciate it all so far. :D
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Re: Translucent and fullbright.

Post by TheLastOrder »

EDITED: take a look at Phitt's answer ;)

Maybe in the Blender forums could help you.

And good luck! :)
Last edited by TheLastOrder on Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Translucent and fullbright.

Post by Phitt »

That is how the engine works, no way around that. You either have an all-or-nothing transparency (if you set blend mode to 'opaque') or that. There is also 'modulative' and 'additive', but those are only useful for special cases.
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Re: Translucent and fullbright.

Post by Wolfen »

Yeah, I was afraid of that hehe. I tried the additive. It can kind of do what I want I think if I spend a lot of time tweaking the textures / alphas.... maybe hehe.

Thanks for the input. =)
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