Sorry for the newb behavior. I can work plates, timers and counters like nobody's business, but when it comes to scripting...well, let's just say I'm a Giant Snail in a world full of all you Cubes. I've checked the resources and the superthread, but I'm having difficulty just getting the game to call a predefinied sound and, while I can find plenty of info that assumes you already know how to call that sound, I can't find anything that tells you the basic function, so I'm certain I'm doing something wrong.
What I have is a simple script entity in the map itself, triggered by a hidden touchplate:
-- Thasoraa script
function Thasoraa()
hudPrint("NPC says something potentially useful here.")
The hudPrint works fine, but the playSound does nothing at all. Can one of you code warriors please point me in the right direction?
[EDIT]: I did have a second "end" command, but the editor returned an error when I ran it.