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Lands of Lore : The Throne of Chaos

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:39 pm
by Ethmo_Lux
Hi everyone !

As you can guess I'll talk about Lands of Lore, and especially the remake I want to do with the help of the Grimrock's dungeon editor (I checked if someone already began it, but it don't seems so). I'm not pretending that I'll make the best remake of Lands of Lore but I want to try.

For now, my goal is to make Gladstone Keep (the monster free, first level) perfectly working. I don't do 3D models so it will be with the Grimrock's resource, but I'm talking with somebody who may help me. :) After two (unsuccessful) year in a computer science school I still learn some bases in programming. I'm still drowning a bit with LUA and the script system but a learn a lot everyday.

If you don't know Lands of Lore, it's currently an abadonware easy to get.
The gameplay is realy close than Legend of Grimrock (and all the dungeaon wrawler in the same kind), but it have alose PNJ, shop, kind of dialog, party member who come and go along the game...

So if some persons are interested to help me with advice, small or active participation, you are very welcome ! :D

I will show some of my work soon.


Sorry for my (bad) english. :?

Re: Lands of Lore : The Throne of Chaos

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:43 pm
by NonhumanEra
When you have the whole game ready, lets talk more ;)

Re: Lands of Lore : The Throne of Chaos

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:52 pm
by Ethmo_Lux
NonhumanEra wrote:When you have the whole game ready, lets talk more ;)
I hope you're patient. ;)

But I think I will work on something with chapter. And maybe the first release will be until the return at Gladstone Keep.

Re: Lands of Lore : The Throne of Chaos

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:54 pm
by Belblindd
Definately one of my favorites.
I hope you keep up the work!

Re: Lands of Lore : The Throne of Chaos

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:58 pm
by Ethmo_Lux
Belblindd wrote:Definately one of my favorites.
I hope you keep up the work!
Thanks, me too that's why. And I've the same hope than you. ;)

Re: Lands of Lore : The Throne of Chaos

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:59 pm
by Komag
That was a great old game - I never finished it when playing earlier this year, but I was impressed with how well it was done for being as old as it is.

Re: Lands of Lore : The Throne of Chaos

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:05 pm
by Ethmo_Lux
Komag wrote:That was a great old game - I never finished it when playing earlier this year, but I was impressed with how well it was done for being as old as it is.
To be frank I never finished it myself. >< Always blocked at the same level (I can't find a statue, maybe a bug...). But it's clearly beautiful.

Re: Lands of Lore : The Throne of Chaos

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:36 am
by Siaynoq
I love the original Lands of Lore. I'd Loooooooove to see a remake of it using the Grimrock engine. How's your progress, by the way?

Re: Lands of Lore : The Throne of Chaos

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:02 am
by Ixnatifual
Took me a long time to complete. I got stuck like forever in a few spots but I liked it so much I restarted a good amount of times and eventually completed it. It was an epic journey but I remember the final battle was pretty easy since since I simply moved off while attacking so my opponent never really got to attack me.

Re: Lands of Lore : The Throne of Chaos

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:56 am
by mondo84
Wow, playing LoL in the LoG engine would be amazing!