LED Wall Display: 0 - 99
Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:46 am
The following code was developed from looking at a lot of sample code (thank you Lmaoboat) as I teach myself LUA. It displays a one or two digit number between 0 and 99 on a wall. I've tried to document most of it and supply some parameters at the top to allow for some easy changes. It's designed to be embedded into other scripts so the direction the script faces can be different from the wall on which the display is placed using one of the parameters, for example. Since I don't really understand how LUA or GrimRock works internally, things I coded thinking they were efficient may not be. If you know of any inefficiencies, please let me know because there are many ways to implement various things. This was really developed to support another that I've not posted yet.

I'm still tweaking the script, so I thought I'd put it in its own thread and post (or edit) later versions into it. Please let me know if you find this useful or if you have any enhancement requests.
Thank you, -Lark
Updated to version 1.4.1 on 10-10-2012
Updated to version 1.4.3 on 12-09-2014

Code: Select all
--- LED display: version 1.4.3 12-9-2014 Written by Lark ---
--- Much thanks to: Lmaoboat ---
--- Light Parameters
displayed = self.level --the initial number displayed by the script
wall = self.facing --adjust wall used for display from script's facing; i.e. opposite = (self.facing + 2) % 4
initallyOn = true --specify if the light is initially on
vertical_spacing = .17 --vertical LED spacing
horizontal_spacing = .15 --horizontal LED spacing; center, left, & right values are based on this number being .15
height = 3 --height above the floor for the top row of LEDs
center = -.3 --start of row offset for single digit displays
left = -.85 --start of row offset for left digit
right = .25 --start of row offset for right digit
--- Usage:
--- 1. drop this script into a square facing the wall where the display is desired (or adjust "wall" above)
--- 2. set parameters to suit: displayed, wall, and initiallyOn for basic parameters
--- 3. on() to display the initial value
--- 4. off() to turn off lights
--- 5. add() to increment by one
--- 6. sub() to decrement by one
--- 7. display(number) to set the display to a new number
--- 8. do not call digit() directly
--- Version 1.4.3:
--- * Fixed issue of storing objects in a non-local table; now just store the object name (Thanks Isaac)
--- * Updated "off" routine to handle names instead of objects.
--- * Removed bad "null" and replaced with "nil" - mixed up LUA and another language...
--- * Improved error checking in the "off" routine - avoids crashes in strange circumstances
--- Create a LED panel for numbers 0 - 99. LED grid is:
-- 00 01 02 03 04
-- 05 06 07 08 09
-- 10 11 12 13 14
-- 15 16 17 18 19
-- 20 21 22 23 24
-- 25 26 27 28 29
-- 30 31 32 33 34
digits = {
led = {nil}
cos = math.cos(1.5707963267949 * wall)
sin = math.sin(1.5707963267949 * wall)
tz = 1.3
--- divide into digits and display in correct sector
function display(number)
if number == nil then return end
local b = number % 10
local a = (number - b) / 10
if a > 0 then
digit(a, left)
digit(b, right)
digit(b, center)
displayed = number
--- display a digit of the number at the given alignment and light set
function digit(number, align)
local dix = number + 1
for ix = 1, 35 do
local pix = digits[dix][ix]
if pix == nil then return end
local tx = align + pix % 5 * horizontal_spacing
lix = lix + 1
local light = spawn("fx", self.level, self.x, self.y, 3, self.id.."_"..lix)
led[lix] = light.id
light:setLight(1, 0, 0, 1500, 0.24, 360000, false)
light:translate(tx * cos + tz * sin, height - math.floor(pix / 5) * vertical_spacing - 1, tz * cos + tx * sin * (1 - wall%2 * 2))
--- add one to the current display w/ wrap
function add()
display((displayed + 1)%100)
--- subtract one from the current display w/ wrap
function sub()
display((displayed + 99)%100)
--- turn lights off
function off()
if lix ~= nil and led ~= {nil} then
for dix = 1, lix do
local light = findEntity(led[dix])
if light ~= nil then light:destroy() end
lix = 0
led = {nil}
--- turn lights on
function on()
--- turn lights on if specified in parameters
if initallyOn then on() end
Thank you, -Lark
Updated to version 1.4.1 on 10-10-2012
Updated to version 1.4.3 on 12-09-2014