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Is anyone making a space hulk mod?

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 7:00 pm
by turel2
As the title says. Is anyone making a space hulk mod?

I think this would make a good mod for the game.

Re: Is anyone making a space hulk mod?

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 7:13 pm
by Komag
I haven't heard anyone mention that game, but you can learn the editor and try your hand at making it yourself, probably the best way to see it happen!

Re: Is anyone making a space hulk mod?

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 7:53 pm
by cromcrom
That's a terrific idea ^^

Re: Is anyone making a space hulk mod?

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 8:10 pm
by JohnWordsworth
That would be an awesome mod! Although, Games Workshop will issue a C&D order the second the first screenshot appears I imagine! They're terrible for that. On a similar note, I have been testing the GMT by making a spacewreck wallset.


These are not my textures at the moment, I bought them for $2 just so I could do some speedy testing of what's going on with wall-sets and the GMT. Still, I think Space Hulk could look really cool in the Grimrock engine!

Re: Is anyone making a space hulk mod?

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:03 pm
by Kuningas
This is an awesome idea!

If I had the skills, I'd tackle it in an instant!

Re: Is anyone making a space hulk mod?

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 5:52 am
by pulpum
it's a very goog idea, and you should rename immediately the thing, to avoid any problems.. :roll:

Re: Is anyone making a space hulk mod?

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 6:53 am
by Lmaoboat
I was bored and made a script that creates a pretty convincing flickering light effect that would fit in well with a sci-fi setting.

Code: Select all

spawn("prison_ceiling_lamp", self.level, self.x, self.y, self.facing,"blink")
spawn("timer", self.level, self.x, self.y, self.facing,"timey")

timey = findEntity("timey")
blink = findEntity("blink")

timey:addConnector("activate",, "randomblink")

function randomblink()
local X = math.random(1,4)
	if X == 1 then

Re: Is anyone making a space hulk mod?

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:10 am
by Ixnatifual
If you're going to make a Space Hulk inspired mod, make sure not to call it Space Hulk, make sure you don't use anything that looks too much like GW stuff and definitely use different names for everything. Make it an inspired work rather than a copy so GW doesn't break your balls.

Re: Is anyone making a space hulk mod?

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:35 pm
by turel2
If I had the skills I would try to make it, but I'm not very experienced with modding.

Also A Space hulk inspired Mod would be the best plan.

Re: Is anyone making a space hulk mod?

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 11:00 pm
by HaunterV
Space Hulk- personal favourite game. Agreed that we go with inspiration. never call it space hulk, call it something else.

I want that spacewallset damnit!

so call just go off of inspiration of spacehulk.
We can come up with similar names ad themes.
You need space corridors,
enemies that stalk you,
hopeless situations that need to be overcome.
we need tunnels for enemies but not players to go through