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Grimrock @ Reddit - Launch Day Giveaway

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 3:54 pm
by Clapyourhandssayyeah
Hey there grimrockers! :D

If any of you frequent reddit then come check out /r/grimrock.

We're organising a launch-day give away, where members of the community can donate grimrock preorder codes into the prize pool, and other redditors can win copies of the game!

We're also looking for a couple more mods to help promote the subreddit, tweak the css, user flair, etc.

We'd also love to have the official developers be added as moderators to the subreddit, where they'd get unique user icons so they stand out, etc. Reddit is a great opportunity to communicate with players.

Peace :)

Re: Grimrock @ Reddit - Launch Day Giveaway

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 4:01 pm
by nianu
oooo good our own subreddit :) i'll be sure to join it after this post. but sadly i already preordered the game. i appreciate what you are doing though!