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Monster Spawner question.

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:22 pm
by Neikun
How would you go about spawning one monster once and never again out of a monster spawner?
What I want is for the players to turn a lock and a monster appears at the end of the corridor because of it.

I see a parameter for cooldown, but none for one time spawning.

Re: Monster Spawner question.

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:43 pm
by Akatana
If the cooldown is 0 the monster just spawns one times :)

Re: Monster Spawner question.

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:47 pm
by Neikun
Oh. Well nifty. Thank you.

Re: Monster Spawner question.

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:18 pm
by antti
Neikun wrote:How would you go about spawning one monster once and never again out of a monster spawner?
What I want is for the players to turn a lock and a monster appears at the end of the corridor because of it.

I see a parameter for cooldown, but none for one time spawning.
The spawner always only spawns once per activation, so you need to take care that it will be activated only once. With some assets, like pressure plates, it's easy since they have the "activate once" parameter but with some other cases you might need to do some scripting.
Akatana wrote:If the cooldown is 0 the monster just spawns one times
Actually no. Setting cooldown to 0 means that there's no limit to spawning speed so if you keep on spamming activations to it, it will try to spawn every time the activation happens. The cooldown parameter is there for preventing overpopulation (if the spawner is activated by, say, a hidden pressure plate that the player might unknowingly trigger a dozen times) and such.

edit: Actually, I suppose you could handle this case by setting the cooldown to a very high number like 100000. Of course it's not foolproof but it probably doesn't need to be.