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Buckle the Knuckle

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 1:44 am
by Igor
Buckle the knuckle is my unarmed fighter that kicks ass and punches it too. My problem with him at the moment is the fact that I have to give him a shield to give him a fighting chance.
three questions:
1. Could fighters also get access to the dodge skill so that you can make a fist fighting monk type?
2. Shouldnt shields also be a part of the "light" and "heavy" catagory?
3. Wouldnt it be cool to have no classes and just skills?

Re: Buckle the Knuckle

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 7:54 am
by LiamKerrington

1. Interesting idea. As far as I remember "monks" were not typical for the old-school games; they occurred here and there (wizardy VII as an example), but in general I have not encountered them as such. Therefore the lack of "monks" in LoG suits the "old-school"-charm very well. It may be something to think about for future releases, if there will be any. But a question would be: Would this change the balancing between the classes a lot? Yes, right now we already know about certain character-developments that are over the top - minotaur rogue hurling anything like the incredible Hulk -, and yet each character also his minor or major flaws. What would be the flaws of a monk evading anything and finger-death-tipping anything?

2. This crossed my mind as well. But then again: Often "shields" are considered being an armor type of its own class - in computer games as well as pen& paper games. Not always, but often. Which is something to think about as well: Shields add evasion bonuses to your character. Now, if you do not have the armor-skill ranked for heavy armor, what would be the point in carrying around the heavy shields? The drawback on evasions would consume the evasion bonus of the shield ... :o

3. My opinion: No. On the one side it seems that it does not matter so much what classes and character-developments you choose during the game, so there is no real need to change things; on the other hands you need to plan along the limits the game provides, which is something I really enjoy because it is "planned" along classical rpg-elements - the sneakish rogue, the brute, the easily crippled mage shattering the earth with incredible spells ...

All the best!